Thursday, December 11, 2008

Shane-Bob Square-Head

Last night Livy had her head sitting on my lap and I was tickling her face (her favorite thing). I told her I love the shape of her's so cute and feminine. She told me it was oval like mine.

Then she looked up at me and said quite seriously, "Do you think all the other babies will have square heads?"

"What other babies? What do you mean?"

She said, "You know, if you decide to have more babies with Daddy Shane."

I couldn't help but laugh.

Livy has made no qualms about the fact that she thinks Shane has a square head. Every time she draws a family picture we know exactly who Shane is.

This picture right here is one she drew for Shane and I just before we got married.

Note the oh-so-square head on his shoulders.

This is highly disturbing to Shane.

Every time she draws a picture he'll go to the mirror and feel around his head trying to see the square-ness of it that she sees.

"My head's not that square!" he'll protest.

I suppose I'm not much help to him. I usually say something like, "Well hon, you do have a square-ish head."

Luckily it's quite handsome.


Jules said...

Oh through the eyes of children. That is funny. Tell Shane it could be worse and least she draws him as a smiling square head. I always worry when Nathan draws a family portrait. He usually doesn't draw me too much bigger than Preston.;-)

Lana said...

That is hilarious. I love Livy. As soon as she knows how to spell the word square, she'll say something like..."Daddy Shane, I don't want to hurt your feelings about this so I'll say that your head starts with a "squ" and ends with "are". :)

Hot Diggity Daws said...

I love how she noticed your beautiful eye lashes and Shane looks like he has big muscles!

michele said...

That is cute! I love reading your blog.

Liz said...

That's one good-lookin' square-head! I mean Shane, not Bob!

Natalie said...

We just found your blog and are excited to stay updated on your lives! Can't wait to see the kiddos this weekend!

SethD said...

Shane and his brothers(I'll lump myself in for solidarity's sake) have always been concerned about body proportions. My mother is famous for leaning over the dinner table and exclaiming "Your nose is growing!" in total and complete astonishment. Don't worry Shane, keep your square head up!!