Sunday, December 14, 2008

Mr. Peeps--Genius!

This is Mr. Peeps. (of no relation to Peeping Tom).

He came to stay at our house this week. We consider ourselves pretty lucky.

One night after family prayer I looked up and there he was on the shelf in our family room.

I gasped, "Oh my gosh, I've heard of him before, but we've never had him at our house. Is it really him?"

"Who?! What?!" the kids exclaimed.

Then I pointed out Mr. Peeps on the shelf.

Shane and I explained that Mr. Peeps was a tiny elf that Santa sent to watch and make sure little boys and girls are good.

The sheer joy in Livy's eyes was golden. She was beyond excited.

We've come up with all sorts of folk lore to surround him. Livy wants a "Mr. Peeps" story every night and she wakes up every morning to make sure he's still here.

"Hi Mr. Peeps." She greets him cheerfully.

The best part about having Mr. Peeps around? Conversations like this:

"Livy brush your teeth and get into bed."

"Okay mommy, I will."

My brain just exploded because I didn't meet any resistance. No whining. No complaining. No back-talk.

Oh my, Mr. Peeps.

I love you!

P.S. Mr. Peeps can be yours for $8.99 at a Target near you.

Editors Note: Thank you to my friend Cherry for introducing me to this idea. It's brilliant. So fun for the kids and so great for the parents!


Summertime Designs said...

Brilliant! I have to say though, that Mr. Peeps looks a little Creepy. I think his nickname should be "Peeping Tom", because that's what he does...he's always watching you! But aside from his creepiness, what a great idea!

Lana said...

that's the same thing I thought! What a creepy nickname. Thank goodness Mr. Peeps is in the living room so he can't be Mr. Peeping in your bedroom or bathroom. But again, very clever. Although, I swear Livy would say "okay mom" no matter what you told her to do, wouldn't she?!

Dana said...

So uhhhh does this Peeps guy work on teenage boys and college girls too?!?

Jules said...

Okay I am definitely wishing for Mr Peeps to visit our house. Thanks for letting me know about him.

Julz said...

At our house we use the word peeps, except it goes like this:

Does anyone have to go peeps?

Maybe we coud call ours Mr. Peaks? And I am so glad to know that you have some teethbrushing refusal in your house too, how fun!

cheerleader said...

I love it! Tonight Greg threatened to leave a not for Santa himself telling him what our boys have been up to. Whoa did that freak them out. But a constant Mr Peeps sounds pure genius. Thanks for sharing!