Sunday, December 21, 2008

There was this one weird morning....

This is Morgan still sleeping even with the lights on @ about 8am.

I live in an apartment the size of a shoebox.

If one of us gets up, everyone gets up because you can hear everything.

A couple weeks ago I wasn't feeling well so I stayed in bed while Shane got up early to exercise.

Morgan climbed into bed with me at about 5:30 am and we slept.

Now it should be known that my children are early risers.

6 am is normal.

6:30 am is a good day.

6:45 am is a great day.

Anything after 7 am is unheard of.

Okay, now I can proceed with my story.

So there I was all cozy in bed, Morgan snuggled up next to me, Livy and Owen sleeping soundly in their room when suddenly Shane gets home from working out. It's about 6:30 at this point in time, but nobody is up yet.

I don't know what he's doing but he's making all sorts of noise and I'm all sorts of bugged.

Still, no movement from the children.

More noise.

No movement.

Finally at about 7:30am I get up. Kind of wondering if my children are still alive and also wondering what in the heck Shane is doing.

I walked out to find this....

Now how cute is that?

But he was feeling kind of bad because none of the kids were up. It was uncanny.

Finally at 7:40 am Owen got up.

He was excited about the smiley face french toast.

He ate it.

He told me he felt like he needed to throw up.

5 minutes later Livy sauntered in.

She was excited about the smiley face french toast.

She ate it.

She told me she felt like she needed to throw up.

10 minutes later Morgan FINALLY woke up.

She was excited about the smiley face french toast.

She ate it.

She told me she felt like she needed to throw up.

Apparently 7 chocolate chips is a little much for my kids to handle in the morning.

They have since requested french toast sans the chocolate chips.

Really, it was such a weird morning.


Hot Diggity Daws said...

Little Brian laughed his head off when he saw the smiley french toast! He thought it was the coolest idea ever.

Allyson & Jere said...

Ummm, i notice you like to use A LOT of spaces here. Interesting. My baby slept from 8:30 last night until 7:00 this morning with nary a peep. Who has the coolest kids? I know, be jealous.