Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Blog World Question...

There are many things I don't quite know about blog-ettiquette just yet. The biggest one I wonder about is this.

If someone comments on my blog and I want to respond back to their comment do I:

a. respond back in my own comments section?

b. email them if I have their email on hand?

c. find their blog and just comment on some post of theirs?

d. some other option that I don't know of?

I'm a blog-tard. Help me out here folks.


Nash said...

This cracks me up. I have thought many times of posting about blog etiquette.
I believe you must comment back on the commenter's blog....because they probably won't go back to check your comments, but they will check their own.
Annnnnnnd, I believe when someone asks a question in your comments that "we" should always go back and respond. I try to be really good about commenting, and I have some people who never respond, it's as though I never said anything. I know we don't blog to get comments, but it does keep you going and I believe deep down it's a big part of why we do it, other than journaling.

TheOrttFamily said...

I would say comment back on one of their post they will see it sooner...most don't go back to read the comments on others if they wrote a question..also if they ask a personal question or one that needs more writing to the answer you should just email them...that's my .02..hehe

Greg and Tammy said...

A blog tard, huh? I like it. I have all of my blog comments sent directly to my email... in which case I can GENERALLY just respond to them and it is sent to their email within the blogger system. Sometimes this isn't the case, which is when I'll just post something on their most recent post. But who REALLY knows? I think I'm a blog tard as well.

Hot Diggity Daws said...

I will often check to see if the blog poster, or anyone else, replied to my comments. It seems like many people I don't know well come and write on my blog, the others will keep the responses going on their blog, that way anyone who comes along cAN be up to date on the topic. I think that is most interesting.

I often wonder if people don't comment on your blog for a long time, have you just gotten boring, you are not their cup of tea, or they are just too busy. I think even a small comment tells the blogger that atleast one person in the world read what they wrote.

Nash, Good point, I have felt that way before. If the person never responds to your questions, and they never comment on your blog, is that their indication of where you place in importance? I need to up my game on responding to questions raised by my posts as I love it when others do...Let's face it, as busy moms sometimes these little interactions are our only verbal exchanges,(granted through writing) beyond children.

What about people who write too long of responses to posts? Is that just annoying? Or is it thought provoking? I can't help if I type quickly!

Kelly said...

I have that exact same question!! I never know what to do in that situation. Sometimes if I know them well, I just call them and talk about it. Once I left a comment on their blog, but I always feel like a "tard" too.
Can't wait to get info from your comments;)

LadyCarma said...

And sometimes, people who read a blog don't know how to comment! Seriously. My older sister was at my house (okay, we are OLD), visiting from Oregon. I was showing her my children's blog pages and was showing her the funny comments and she said: "I don't know how to make a comment. People are telling me about a comment and I don't know how to make one." So, I showed her how to make a comment. I check her three daughter's blog sites all the time, and I have yet to see her make a comment. And then again, maybe she doesn't have anything to say.
Seriously - blog etiquette? Young people who grew up texting don't know how to spell or use punctuation marks. I'd say, for the most part, bloggers at least do that. Who would make up the rules anyway?

Porter Shumway said...

Here's something to comment on--stop eating poop sandwiches. Yuck.

Liz said...

Who is Harry Porter and what is a poop sandwich?

I'm sure it's self-explanatory.