Sunday, December 7, 2008

We Were Sick This Weekend--Really Sick

1 toilet divided by 2 Stomach Flu's+2 small kids who "can't hold it"+1 potty trainer=MAYHEM!

There may or may not have been a few accidents related to our stomach flu's. If you want to get an idea of what Shane and I will be like in a few years click here.

That's all I'm saying.


shane said...

Poop, until marriage, had always received a minor role in the drama of my life. Now it seems poop has a greater and greater part. And this weekend, I think, it finally played the lead role.

shane said...

Did I just make poop sound like an upstaging diva? So I did.

Lana said...

Love the images all of that conjured in my mind--lots of naked bums trying to squish onto a toilet. :) Hahaha. I'm sorry, I know it wasn't a laughing matter, necessarily, for you, but it's funny over here.