Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Glory in the Ghetto

Did you see this fellow Arizonians?

This was the view from my dinner table last night.

I sat down to eat and gasped when I looked outside.

Isn't it gorgeous?

Even in the Ghetto we have glorious sunsets.


Lana said...

I was outside talking to a neighbor when I noticed everything taking on a reddish hue. Really pretty indeed. :)

Hot Diggity Daws said...

ohhh, we missed it, Thanks for sharing!

Nash said...

I almost missed it. It was one of those "where did that come from ?"
By the way, Congrats to all the ladies joining you. Had I known I could run in May or whenever it is, I would have agreed. I have to admit I would complain ALOT, so maybe it's good you won't have to deal with that. I do have some big plans for myself now that I'm not pregnant (well once this d&c is scheduled). I really fell hard for 18 weeks.
Thanks for the comment too. I really appreciate it.

Liz said...

Hey Dixie,
You probably have no idea who I am but I met yo for five seconds the only time I attended class at Ricks college. I was Melanie Walker's long lost friend from Texas. Anyway, I linked to your blog from hers and among other things (like I cannot believe your name is Dixe Dixon!) I really enjoy reading it. You seem like such a great gal. I hope you don't mind me peeking in now and again. Let me know if I just creeped you out! So as not to hurt my feelings in front of everyone reading this the code could be "Hey wierd chick! You're creepin' me out!" I don't think anyone will crack that code!