Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Turning 6

Turning 6 is a beautiful thing.

Your biggest concern is "Butterfly or Barbie birthday"?

Yesterday Olivia turned 6.

She opted for butterfly.

She wore her butterfly wings ALL day and I made her a butterfly cake.

Olivia is one of the sweetest people I know.

Her two greatest concerns in life are being good and being pretty.

She puts a lot of effort into both.

When she was 2 & 3 years old she absolutely refused to wear anything but skirts and dresses.

I hardly knew how to handle this since jeans, in any size, are my favorite thing in the world.

Olivia is probably the girliest girl I have ever known...I have NO idea where she came from.

She has always been embarrassed by "bodily functions" and doing anything in public that doesn't make her look lady-like.

Here she is on Christmas day, jumping on the trampoline. When she saw this picture she told me she didn't like it because of the way her hair looked.

Here's the pose she struck as soon as I said, "Livy, let me take a picture of your new clothes."

She never wants anyone to feel bad or left out.

I can't take any credit for how good Olivia is. She came this way. I knew when they put her in my arms at the hospital and those beautiful eyes looked back up at me that she was a very special girl.

I feel so lucky to have Livy as my daughter. She's full of hugs and kisses for me and she always tells me in a pained voice, "Aghhhh, I love you TOO much!"

Rainbows, unicorns, silver with sparkles, bows, dresses, barbies, sugar, spice and everything nice...that's what Olivia is made of.

Aghhhh, I love you too much too Livy Loo.


Liz said...

What a precious baby girl! What a gift daughters are to us crazy mommas. They remind us that someone is always looking up to us.

Melanie said...

Oh, sweet post. Cute Livy. Total girl. Beautiful cake. Fun mom. I love it.

Allyson & Jere said...

Very sweet. You have such a way of saying things concisely. I love it.

Crandell Fam said...

Is it strange that I have tears in my eyes when I read that? She's not my daughter for heaven's sake, but I sure know how you feel! That was a sweet post. :)

Jules said...

Very touching post. I think daughters are just so special. Sounds like Livy is a great one.

Julz said...

I feel like the princess castle party at the church was just a few weeks ago, my how time flys in a hurry. Hope she had a happy day!