Saturday, December 27, 2008

We Had a Very Merry One.

The kids came home from Buffalo on Christmas Eve afternoon. We made cookies for Santa, wrapped presents and opened.....
Christmas pajama's with matching slippers! Then....
Santa Came!!! Owen let us know at 6 am that we really needed to come see.
It was awesome!

Here we are, morning face and all. (I got my hair cut, but you don't really get the full effect here.) Owen lovingly took this picture of us with my new Canon Elph 10 megapixel camera! (Thank you Susan!)

It was raining and still dark out, but scooters needed to be tested anyway.

Sooooo happy to have a scooter.

Shane claims this picture of Pig Pen is a lie. Not 5 minutes after this was taken she absolutely refused to ride by herself and insisted that we just push her around on it. As we were pushing her around Owen, who had been riding intensely said, "I'm tired of scootering." to which Morgan responded, "I'm not tired. I'm just happy!" She's got it all figured out.

Livy practicing her cosmetology skills on Morgan. Morgan has of course tossed her shirt by this point in time. Who needs shirts?

Why did I let Livy use fingernail polish in her brand new sweater? Because I'm stupid. The sweater is ruined.

We spend Christmas day at my sister Dana's house. It's the best. This year Shane and I started a puzzle...more on that later. This is just a glimpse of our hang out. (Sorry Jenny, not your best shot. She looks lovely here).

Cousin fun on the trampoline.

The 3 Queens: Tatum (Porter & Lana's), Olivia, Maya (Eric & Jody's). These three are too cute.

Shane and I @ Dana's. There's my new hair. I love it! Thanks Lana.

It was a wonderful vacation.
I don't want to go back to reality. :(


Allyson & Jere said...

Thank you for answering my call to blog, that was well worth the wait. And GOOD for you for getting your Christmas blog up. I need to learn how to "edit" my picture output like you. But seriously, when your kid is so cute, how to you pick what pictures to put in and what not to? OY! Oh, and many thanks for the weekly phonecall suggestion for Maggie and Nixon, I'm TOTALLY implementing that next week! haha

Dana said...

Hmmmmm just wondering how Santa got into your apartment since you securly blocked the door with the couch! ;) It was a better than
lovely day and we are so happy that the whole family shares it with us each year. :)

Crandell Fam said...

LOL...thank you for giving everyone a better shot of me. For some reason any candid shot of me always turns out scary like that! :)

michele said...

What a cute family you have! I totally understand the whole nail polish in her new sweater. That happens often here. I am glad you guys are doing so great.
Happy New Year!!

Lana said...

Seriously disturbing picture of "Shadow Tatum" on the trampoline. :) You look too cute in the morning--not cool. We mostly took video and not as much pictures. Boo. You're also a crazy puzzler. Glad you two can be freaky puzzlers together. :)