Monday, January 19, 2009

Work Out Mixer-Roo

I've had a few requests for workout song ideas.

As I put this list together I realized it's sort of personal.

But since when has that stopped me? :)

Anyway, what motivates me might not motivate you, but I tried to include songs from my mix that have motivating beats and/or words.

However, there are also some that just have personal meaning to me...but I wasn't quite sure which was which. So you'll have to figure that out.

I've also tried to seperate them out into little categories...the last category is more "hard" music...don't judge me. :)

It really gets my blood pumping when I run.

Without further ado, I introduce you to....

The List:

****Universally Good Songs/Beats(I think)****

The Middle (great words)—Jimmy Eat World
Bleed American--Jimmy Eat World
Sweetness—Jimmy Eat World
Don’t Feel Like Dancin’—Scissor Sisters
All Star—Smash Mouth
Crazy—Gnarls Barkley
Sexy Back--Justin Timberlake (edited)
Eye of the Tiger—Survivor (of course!)
Just A Girl--No Doubt
Gone Daddy Gone--Gnarls Barkley
I'm A Believer--Smash Mouth
There She Goes--The La's
You Were Always the One--The Cribs

****Good Songs--Not Necessarily Good Beats****
Hey There Delilah--Plain White T's
Beautiful Day (U2)
I’m Yours—Jason Mraz
New Soul—Yael Naim
Viva la Vida—Cold Play
Beautiful—Christina Aguilara
Bleeding Love—Leona Lewis
Bubbly—Colbie Caillat
Don’t Panic—Cold Play
It’s All Been Done (Barenaked Ladies)
Just To See You Smile—Tim McGraw
Pinch Me—Barenaked Ladies
Think I’m in Love—Beck
You’re Beautiful—James Blunt
You’re Body Is a Wonderland—John Mayer

***Musical's...I only have Hairspray, but there are TONS that could work***
Without Love—Hairspray
Ladies Choice--Hairspray
Run and Tell That—Hairspray
You Can’t Stop the Beat--Hairspray
High School Musical has a lot of good songs

***"Harder" Music***
American Idiot—Green Day (edited)
Since U Been Gone—Kelly Clarkson
Dance Dance—Fallout Boy
The Sharpest Lives—My Chemical Romance
This Is How I Disappear—MCR
I'm Not Okay (edited) of my favorite running songs
Time Is Running Out—Muse
Rockin’ the Suburbs (edited)
Butterflies & Hurricanes—Muse (words)
Mr. Brightside—The Killers
Somebody Told Me—The Killers
Thanks for the Memories—Fall Out Boy
Me & You—Fall Out Boy

That's not all of my workout mix, but it's all that I felt like sharing.

If any of you have good workout songs that aren't on the list and you're willing to share please let me know.

I'm always looking to change it up.



Hot Diggity Daws said...

Funny we have many similar songs. I do see some excellent suggestions. Dream On by Brooke White is really good, it picks up and really gets you amped up. Thanks for sharing!

The Dixon Family said...

While you are on Muse...Super Massive Black Hole is a great one to work out to. As is Just Dance by Lady GaGa.

Kelly said...

Those are great songs. I'll have to steal some. I love to run to most anything from Panic at the Disco, Fall out boy, and the killers.
I've heard you can get songs with a certain number of beats per minute which then helps you run to that beat per minute, for a faster time or to keep your pace. Like 180bpm is an 8 minute mile or something like that. Did that just make any sense? Pregnant brain over hear.
Have you ever tried that? I want to but haven't figured out how to find out how many beats per minute a song has.

Lana said...

I know that it's totally a "hard song" but Porter and I LOVE "Lose Yourself" by Eminem. It's really really good and has major motivation in the lyrics. It's funny that you post this today because I was making a new playlist for my iPod for about an hour this morning. Had you posted this sooner, it would have gone so much more quickly!! :)

LadyCarma said...

It says something about my age when I only recognized the songs from "Hairspray" and not any of the recording artists (okay, I do know who Brooke White is!). I just don't listen to today's music. I'm old and prefer the oldies! Your list made me laugh, just reading the titles.