Monday, January 26, 2009

Challenge #3 & #4

Oops. Forgot to post the challenge last week.

No fear, the ladies have been doing it anyway.

The challenge for last week, that is continuing this week is:

#3--Eat at least 5 fruits and vegetables a day. Try to eat them BEFORE each meal and inbetween.

The next challenge correlates and should make it easier to get in your 5-a-day. It is:

#4--eat ONLY fruits and vegetables between meals. (and no, fruit snacks do not count).

It is harder than you think.

Can you do it?


Kelly said...

Love this challenge!! I need it!

Anonymous said...

This really is hard...but do able with planning! Thanks.

MamaD said...

I love fruit so I don't think this would be too hard - however, can't you eat fruits with something else to get some protein. Like I usually eat my blackberries/blueberries/raspberries (that were on sale at Harmon's last week for only a $1!) with cottage cheese and my apple slices with peanut butter to make it a little more satisfying. And sliced strawberries are definitely better with yogurt. And what about smoothies - I always use plain yogurt to go with all the frozen/fresh fruit and OJ...?