Monday, January 19, 2009

Short Sales

Did you know it is right near impossible to buy a home from a person these day?

Nearly every home we have looked at has been a bank owned property or a short sale...and these are nice houses we are talking about here!

The problem is there is a lot of uncertainty and arbitrary decison making going on when you put in an offer on a short sale home.

The bonus is, you could possibly get a $325K home for $225K.

Wouldn't that be lovely?

We put in an offer on a short sale on Saturday.

I'd tell you where, but I don't want anyone to snake it.

Shane and I both have "that feeling" about this neighborhood.

We've looked at 8-10 other neighborhoods and we keep getting pulled back to this one.
So now, as is true with all short sale processes...we wait.
Shane and I considered creating a portfolio for the seller and the bank filled with pictures and stories of why our family would be good for this home.
Or maybe we could make them a cake. Afterall, the decision is somewhat arbitrary...perhaps they could be swayed.

Oh Mr. Short Sale, please pick us.

Pretty Please?


Dana said...

Well, I hope you get it. Now....while you are waiting--and not telling us where said house ie, I was wondering how you might feel about telling us all the best songs to work-out to. Really, I'm desperate! Thanks!

Jules said...

good luck. I hope you get your dream house.

cheerleader said...

I wanna know where it's located...and have a little faith--it's not so I'll swoop in and steal it. I wanna know how close you'll be to ME!
Love, Tiff