Thursday, January 29, 2009

Two Birthday's, One Day

About 37 years ago my sister Allyson was born on my Dad's 30th birthday.

Two birthday's, one day.

January 30th.

To celebrate this year, it just so happens that nearly my whole family is able to make a little Disneyland trip out of it.

So excited.

Allyson is my sister that lives right by me.

When I was about 4 or 5 Allyson was babysitting me.

I must have been misbehaving because she told me she had something she really needed to tell me.

She took me into my parents room and sat me down on the bed. (I can still see it).

Then she told me, with a very serious look on her face, "You're adopted."

"No I'm not!" I protested.

Then she got up and started fishing through my dad's drawer and pulled out some paper--I couldn't read so it could have said anything. Then she points to the paper and says:

"See, right here is where Mom & Dad signed for you. Haven't you noticed that you don't look like any of us?"

My little 5 year old mind was reeling. It must be true, after all, she had the paperwork to prove it and come to think of it, I guess I didn't really look like anyone.

I was devastated.

I bawled.

When my parents got home I sobbed to them about being adopted. They assured me it was not true and Allyson got busted.

I'm happy to say that Allyson is much less jerky these days.

I love living by her.

We talk, play, kid swap, make dinner, go to the gym together and talk some more.

She gives me her strong opinion about everything and I love it because it's Allyson.

She's a great sister and I'm so glad she's my sister.

My Dad happens to be the best Dad this world has known.

He has always been at my softball games, swim meets, choir concerts, dance recitals, football games that I cheered at, etc.

He always made/makes time for me.

When we were kids he would come home from work (and he owned his own business so he could have stayed all night, but he didn't...he came home) and he would play 3 flies up with us in the front yard for hours.

I remember asking him once after high school if he thought I could marry a certain boy and he told me he didn't think any boy was good enough for me. So cute.

I am his baby girl after all. :)

I'm so grateful for these two wonderful people in my life.

Happy Birthday Allyson & Dad!


Hot Diggity Daws said...

Allyson and Uncle Tony really are the best. Having no older sisters I can safely say I bet Allyson is one of the best older sisters a girl could have. ALso knowing your other 2 older sisters will read this I will try not to give her the only nod for excellent sister!! :) Tony he has always been so pround and supportive. Even when he went through health problems he handled it with such dignity and strength. Have fun in Disneyland.

Julz said...

I hope your DL trip is funner than the last one and am I allowed to make some public guesses on who the boy was that you asked your dad if you could marry? and I agree you do have a great sista and daddy! Happy birthday to them.

shane said...

No guy IS good enough for you, hon. Luckily, that wasn't a part of your criteria for marriage. :)

Jules said...

Happy Birthday to 2 great people. Your Dad was like my second Dad growing up and he is a great man. I hope you have a blast at Disneyland.

Tara L. Stradling said...

My sister Andrea and I are sitting here reading your blog and laughing, Laughing, LAUGHING out loud. Very funny and very typical - something Andrea would have done to Cassie, I have absolutely NO DOUBT. This was a great post and you're a great writer!

Allyson & Jere said...

I can honestly say, I TRULY don't remember even an iota of that horrible adoption story. I won't lie, reading that made me feel a titch on the bad side. How MEAN of me! I'm sorry. However, the rest of it was really sweet. Thanks for saying such nice things, made me feel all warm and tingly. Love you too.

Allyson & Jere said...

And for the record, I'm ONLY 36, NOT 37. Sheesh, the pain and trauma of it all.

Lana said...

Funny funny post. So, you come by your little mean streak honestly eh? Hehehe. Just learning from the master. I understand. Hooray for birthdays!

Anonymous said...

How well I remember that day! I do believe it was the BEST birthday present I ever gave your dad! ;) Although this year's celebration was pretty darn awesome! The birthday pair, 4 other kids and spouses, a couple of friends tossed in for good measure and two of the 19 grand-kids made this a mighty fine celebration. If Allyson is lucky, somebody might throw her a "surprise" party when she turns 40 and ROAST her! Just like her dad! Nice post, Dixie. :)

Cassie and Chad said...

Ok I was totally reading this and thinking "Oh my heck that sounds like something Andrea would have said to me!" and then I read Tara's comment..Ha I was right! But the difference between Andrea and Allison is that Allison feels bad for that, Andrea would not! (Being the youngest you never get the respect you deserve!)

Happy Birthday to two incredible people!