Saturday, January 24, 2009


Owen has a very sweet, funny and clever side of his personality that most people don't get the joy of seeing.

Generally people see the Owen that "has bees in his head" as Shane puts it.

He runs around all crazy, hitting, kicking, jumping--he's got so much energy he doesn't know what to do with it.

He's a 4 year old boy.

So it's always so interesting to note the opposite side of his personality that is very focused, maticulous, determined and kind.

He is about the most thorough teeth brusher I have ever met. He'll brush for about 5 minutes, making sure he gets every tooth. And then he has to show me, "Hey Mom, look at my teeth."

He is a natural born host and will introduce people all the time..."Mom, this is Lindy. Lindy, this is my mom." (He has done this for as long as I can remember). He holds his hand out to indicate the person he is introducing at the time too. It's quite proper.

If you come over, he'll probably offer you something to drink too. (I am awful at remembering things like that, so I know he just came this way.)

He can't stand having his clothes turned inside out, so when he takes his shirt off he carefully snakes his arms through the sleeves and then pulls the shirt over his head from the collar. If I try to help him undress really quickly he will FREAK out if I'm doing it in such a way that will turn the shirt inside out. (yeah, I think we need to watch that OCD a little).

So yesterday, Owen was sitting on the ground, meticulously turning his pajama bottoms right side out because one of the legs got pulled through.

Shane and I were just talking over him about what he was doing and Shane said, "Owen just fascinates me. There are these parts of his personality that are just so...." he paused trying to come up with the right word, and then from the ground below we hear Owen pipe in...

"Respectable?" (actually it sounded more like "ba-speck-able", but we knew what he was saying).

We just looked at each other like, "What the?" Where did he even come up with that word?

It was hilarious, but as I've thought about it, Yes.

Owen has parts of his personality that are just so respectable.


Allyson & Jere said...

That's really cute. Your kids will so enjoy these little posts someday, to know what they were like, or how they were thought of as children. He really is quite cute and sweet when he's not tearing up the joint.

Crandell Fam said...

That's funny that they are always listening, even when we think they're not! Or scary, actually. :)

TheOrttFamily said...

It's funny how they pick up on the things we are saying when we think ...well as I put it "Out to lunch" haha
What a cute kid!!

Julz said...

That is precious. Find the song "See Me Beautiful" I have one that tries me to my limits but can also be my sweetest and that song reminds me of him. And Owen.

Dana said...

Love it. I even read it out loud to Adam--so he could get the full affect. Yes, amid Owen's OCD and extreme energy lives a truly respectable little boy who will most certainly make a mark in the world. Spirited children always do!

Hot Diggity Daws said...

What a sweet boy. I wonder what adjective you were going to come up with. I love respectable, seriously where do kids come up with these excellent ideas?

People think Griffin is wild and crazy. I Like the bees concept. He too has this other incredibly loving, compassionate, calm, quiet side. Only those who really know him get to enjoy these phenomenal facets of his personality.

Lana said...

Owen is a sweetie indeed. :) Love the story--it described him so well. I hope you're getting some video of him every now and then so that you can always remember his little voice too. My favorite part of him. :)

Anonymous said...

Indeed he is Ba-speck-able! His gentlemanly introductions are absolutely my favorite. Lisp, energy, freckles and all -- he is a keeper.