Sunday, January 11, 2009

Kung Fu Panda....I hate you

I have officially banned Kung Fu Panda from our home.

It's a tragedy really because Jack Black is truly hilarious, but while there may be no cost for awesomeness or attractiveness, there is a high price for jerkyness and mean-ness.

At least at our house.

The first problem started when everyone fought over who they were in the movie.

"I'm the tiger." cried Livy.

"I'm the snake." piped Morgan

"I'm the Panda." stated Owen.

"No, I want to be the snake." Livy decides.

"NO, I'M THE SNAKE!" yells Morgan.

"No, Morgan...I decided I want to be the snake."


"Can't you both be the snake?" I try for some peace.

"No." Livy snaps, as if I just suggested the most ridiculous thing ever.

Then it really starts.

Owen starts jumping around, trying his "kung fu" moves. Trying to kick his leg in the air, using the pillows to throw up and try to hit them mid air with split kicks.

Next thing I know he is doing kung fu off the couch onto Livy on the floor.

Livy begins to cry her brains out, mixed with a lot of screeching about how mean Owen is.

I tell Owen no more kung fu.

He runs to the toy box and gets out his hulk hands (you know, the ones you've seen at Walmart 100 times and just kept on walking because you knew they wouldn't be a good idea. I didn't buy them, let's just say that).

So he starts taking everyone out with his hulk hands.

Including me.

Not a good idea.

He keeps saying, "Mommy, fight me. I wanna fight you." and I'm in the middle of doing something and he keeps hitting me in the head and back and I know if I react angrily he will LOVE that because he WANTS me to fight him. But how do I not get mad when he's hitting me...repeatedly?


I take the hulk hands away.

Next thing I know Livy is screaming her head off....again.

This time Owen has his dagger and is coming right at her with it.

Of course it's just a little plastic dagger (again, not something I got for him), but you would have thought by the way Livy was screaming he was a masked man with a chainsaw coming at her.

I take the dagger away.

Then Owen found his sword and tried again.

Seriously, this kid is a slow learner.

Here's a picture of the contraband.
Here's a picture of the price you pay.

It was a rough day.


juliespahr said...

FYI.... With boys, this is a daily struggle! Our boys LIVE to "play" fight! Which always ends with someone getting hurt! What ever weapons I take away... they find more... even if they end up having to resort to an empty paper towel roll... which was probably full with perfectly good Paper towels when they found it! AGHHHHHH! I Echo your frustrations!!! Oh the Joys of having Boys!!!
Love ya!

Julz said...

Really Dixie, how dare you have another "jules" friend? :)

So this just sounds like every other second at my house. WWF all the time. I have to go in the other room alot because it is annoying, I just let them beat the heck out of eachother.

I agree with "the other Jules" it's the joys of having boys!

The Dixon Family said...

Apparently this is the post all Julie's must comment on. Nate had a sword he beat us all with and finally I got rid of it...two weeks later he got one for Christmas with a helmet, breastplate & shield. Now I wish I'd kept the other to defend myself.

Anonymous said...

Send Owen our way. He just needs more rough and tough boys! We too have the Hulk hands...I love when the hands say "Your making me angry you won't like me when I'm angry" Funny thing is that is what the mom is usually thinking... :)

Lana said...

I don't find these comments helpful as I'm expecting boy #2 right now. Not helpful at all. And I'll remember not to buy Kung Fu Panda.

Allyson & Jere said...

I just want to know why your posts have to be so much cuter and more clever than mine. Unfair. What isn't unfair is your day of screaming and kicking and fighting, since my day was all peaches and cream. I'm sure that MY Max will NEVER do things like that. HA! Snort, I kid! I'm just not looking forward to it, for sure!

Jenna said...

While you are at it, ban Wii boxing, Mike Tyson old-school nintendo, any kind of long stick-like things, Peter Pan, Robin Hood, oh wait.....any kind of Disney movie except Cars, and if Owen is like Aaron you'll get so sick of hearing loud engine revving noises that you might want to ban that too.

Dana said...

LOL.....LOL....LOL....LOL (from a mother of five sons) LOL No really, boys are great, it's the girls that cause all the drama! (I mean if Livy would have just stayed her original choice--teehee) I actually thought the physical stage would end once Jamyn wasn't "terrible two". HA! Now, I just have giant holes in my walls from LARGE teenage boys who say, "mom, we're just messin around sheesh!" Oy. Good thing they're all so dang cute.

Melanie said...

That hit a little too close to home since I have the equivalent of four little Owens running around my house. I'm going to need some serious therapy.

Kara said...

omg, Dixie, you are seriously so hilarious!! Let me guess, Owen is about 5, right? Isaac just turned 6 and he is exactly the same way! We bought him the hulk hands, too. Actually Santa did. Maybe we should ban Santa. But Santa did bring a lot of toys for "active" kids... mini trampoline (hit of the whole house, even Mia climbs up on it and tries to jump), swing set, bikes, giga ball (giant ball you climb in and others roll you around), tether ball, and I'm sure there are others... :)
Your family is so beautiful, by the way! Thanks for sending my your blog address!

Cameron said...

I'm afraid that I have to take responsibility for the hulk hands, the swords, and a fair share of the genetic scoundrel-ness going on here.

But the hands make such cool sounds!