Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Answer

I know, I could hardly sleep all night you were just dying to know what it's a picture of. :)

There were some pretty good guesses. It was fascinating to try and see what you were all seeing.

Props go to Lea's 4 year old and Vanessa for guessing a turtle, although I'm not sure if they were seeing the turtle correctly.

Also props to Jenalee for seeing an icecream cone.

The person that was closest in her overall guess, however, was Jenna on her 2nd guess where she said:

oh, oh, wait, I am cheating and taking a second one. A duck and some other bird/animal sharing an ice cream cone. There, final answer.

The direct explanation from Livy was:

"A turtle and a bear sharing an icecream cone."

That is the turtles head on the left with his tongue licking the icecream. And the bear, well, I'll admit I'm a little disappointed in her artistic rendering of it. She is usually a lot better...she must have been rushed.


Hot Diggity Daws said...

I showed little Brian ahd asked him what it was a picture of, and he was like, "Oh you put my picture in there? I don't remember what that is" I told him no that is one that Livvy did. After that he was less interested, I guess because he didn't draw it, or he just pretended because he too did not know what it was! :)

TheOrttFamily said...

Ok I totally saw the tutles head on the left but must have missed the tongue..and the bear well I am still looking??? I have been sitting here for about 5 min trying to figure it out...But tell her good job on the drawing :-)

Crandell Fam said...

lol...that was just a funny post. I was seriously curious to know what it was after looking, cuz I had NO idea! But tell her great job anyway.

The Hytes said...

I have to admit. I don't see it.