Friday, January 23, 2009

Nigh Unto Bursting

How do you know when you've outgrown your 2 bedroom apartment?

When your kids dresser/room looks like this:

And your kids closet looks like this:

And your closet looks like this:

And your dresser looks like this:

And your only utility closet looks like this:

I can feel it closing in on me. No room anywhere!

Is it because I know we're moving soon?

Is it because we've gotten more stuff?

Is it because the kids are getting bigger?

I don't know what it is, but claustrophobia is starting to kick in....

I need more space.



The Dixon Family said...

I feel the same way-and we have 3 bedrooms! I hope you get your house:)

Kelly said...

I feel your pain! That is what my house looks like and I feel claustrophobic too, unfortunately we are not moving any time soon:(

I have the same goal of getting my mile under 7 minutes and being able to sustain that for at least a 5K. I did a time trial a couple weeks before I found out I was pregnant and got sick. I did a mile in 7:13. I was so proud of that too. So yes you can do it and so can I, someday soon I hope!!

Anonymous said...

The really sad thing is that most new homes don't have the best storage. We struggle with 3 bedrooms and a big laundry room. Glad to know I am no the only person who has had to stack things on top of dressers, due to lack of storage.

Jeremy Drysdale said...

two words: garage. sale. :)

Jules said...

I feel the same way about my house, there are times I lie awake at night pondering what I can get rid of or how I could rearrange rooms and closets to provide more space. It is a never ending battle. I hope you find a new house soon, for your own sanity.

Allyson & Jere said...

Well Dixie, that takes a lot of gutts to expose your cluttery ways to all the world. I think if Lana could get her organizational hands all over your place it would look markedly improved. Oh yeah, and the fact that your kids have more toys then anyone ever. However, I do agree that there is far to little room in our "sweet little adobes" for all that children bring to the table. Here's to finding bigger spaces to live in. But you KNOW you'll miss me and my spice cupboard and my ability to whip up your dinner in 20 minutes when you were too lazy to make it. ADMIT it!

Dixiechick said...

OH I admit it Allyson, I admit it.

Melanie said...

So....when do you find out the result of the short sale house??

I actually had major dejavu when I saw the picture of your closets - it looks like the closet we shared in our dorm at Ricks. Those closets were NOT big enough for all my jeans and all your shoes.

Crandell Fam said...

I feel your pain...and I have absolutely NO prospects of moving out of our too small, claustrophobic home. Oh well...

Dana said...

Although you do accumulate more stuff....I say it's all about the bodies getting bigger (older). They take up more space physically, mentally, and emotionally. Really. But, from experience I've found that if you wait long enough...they start leaving. *wink* (Really I'm excited for you and can't wait till you find your new home...)

Lana said...

I think it's definitely because you're starting to look for the new place and will be gone soon. Once we started house-hunting for reals I didn't even want to attempt the closets anymore. I'd come home from seeing houses 2 or 3 times the size of the apt. and I'd just curse the clutter and mumble. It starts to be less of a "fun game to see if we can reorganize all this once again to fit!!!". :)

The Hytes said...

Forget the 2 bedroom apartment thing. The closets in my 5000 sq. ft. home look like that, just so the rooms don't. However, you inspired me and today I cleaned out 3 of them. Thanks again for yet another inspiration.