Wednesday, October 29, 2008

You Know What I Love?

1. Getting up at 5:15 am M-F for early morning workouts. I get to exercise, shower, get ready and eat breakfast before most suckers are even out of bed. Love that feeling! (of course by noon I am exhausted and need a nap and then the world passes me by--oh well).

2. Morgan walking around saying, "Robot, Robot" in a suprisingly good robot voice accompanied by robot arm motions.
3. Owen staring off into space (this happens often). Today when I asked him what he was thinking about it turned out to be a Popeye cartoon where termites eat Popeye's wooden house and then he builds a metal house instead. For some reason this fascinates Owen.

4. The fact that Shane STILL (we are well over 6 months married here people) rubs my back for a little bit every night, even though he is ridiculously tired.

5. This picture that Livy drew of me as an alien-cat with one eye yesterday. (also drawn: Livy as a cheerleader and Owen "just as an alien".)

6. Living in Arizona. It's the best. If you live in another state I'm sad for you.


Kelly said...

I also love getting up around 5 to workout it feels so good to get a couple hours of sweating in before everything else starts. Of course I've not done that in a while and it is driving my nutz!!! I feel sorry for me too. You are very lucky to be in beautiful AZ!!

Erock! said...

I love getting up at 5am too. It's quiet, everyone else is still be lazy. I love the first couple of ours when I'm all alone in a crowded house.

Hot Diggity Daws said...

Okay, I want a video clip of morgan saying Robot, Robot! It is pretty hilarious to think of Owen staring off into space and then saying profound Jack Handey quotes.