Thursday, October 23, 2008

Metamorphosis of a 2 Year Old

Here is a picture representation of Morgan coming to the realization that she is indeed 2. So cute and sweet here and then....

BAM! She turns into a completely irrational human being. There is no reasoning with her. There is no compromising. It's just a lot of fits and crying and frustration (I'm talking about Morgan right now).
However, she still has some of her cutest moments at this stage. I'm certain Heavenly Father knew he'd better make 'em pretty cute during this know, so they can make it to 3.


Kelly said...

Hilarious. I love that picture. We are experiencing that at our house too. Brody just cried for 45 minutes, for NO reason. I think I looked like Morgan at the end of his fit!

Lana said...

Ahhh, that's the Morgan I know and love. I wasn't sure who it was in the first picture...all clean and slicked back hair. You forgot to mention that the metamorphosis between picture 1 and 2 was all of 8 minutes. :) I love that Pigpen girl. :)

Hot Diggity Daws said...

Great Hair. I always love to hear about children and their wild personalities. They can be so, so sweet and special, then total train wrecks! :)