Monday, October 27, 2008

The Birthday Boy

Owen turned 4 this past Saturday. In my family growing up we only got a big birthday party every 4 years (4, 8, 12 & 16). Sometimes I hated it, but it did make the years I got my big party WAY more exciting and really helped me to appreciate it. Now, as a mom I am realizing my mom probably did it that way because it is so much work--it was just a bonus that we learned a lesson on appreciation and delayed gratification (which, btw, I am really into). Anyway, without further ado, here he is.....

THE BIRTHDAY BOY (see, you can already tell he's more excited than most 4 year olds that get a party every year). :)

Since Owen doesn't have a lot of friends just yet I got to invite MY friends' little boys. That was fun. We made cars out of cardboard boxes and plastic colored plates and then we let the boys paint them too. I think they had fun. (left to right: Westin (my cousin Ben's son), Gunner (Julie Eagar Spahr's son), Griffin & Brian (my cousin Wendy's sons), Cooper (Nicolle Magnanti Webber's son)..Owen (mine).

Here's the back view.

Here's me with my handsome little boy.

It was a fun party.
Highlight of the party was when we were playing "park, park, drive" (our version of duck, duck, goose since it was cars & trucks party) and a little white airplane pulling a banner behind it flew right over our head. I think it was endorsing some Halloween store, but I said, "Look everyone, there's the plane that says 'Happy Birthday Owen!'" They all thought it was pretty cool except my cousins little boy Brian who was skeptical. He kept asking me, "Really? Does it really say that?" I just tried to avoid the question and smile....because hey, Free Plane!


LadyCarma said...

You are so creative. What a dream party for a four year old. I love your posts. They make me smile!

Erock! said...

You are creative and SNEAKY!!! We have continued the "Big" party deal every 4 years. The hardest person to keep on board with this plan is Jody.

michele said...

I love the idea of teaching my kids about delayed gratification. Looks like you are really good at it. I have a harder time with that since I did not grow up like that. It looks like Owen had a great time. What a fun Mom!

Allyson & Jere said...

Ok, the "hey, free plane" comment just cracked me up. I don't know why, but it was funny. However, I must take this moment to say...really Dixie, LYING to children? Hmmmmmmmmm

Lana said...

You know me, I'm ALL about lies to children, and yours was BRILLIANT. Seriously, I just kept laughing and laughing and wondering if I would have been so clever/geniusy. Anyway, hysterical. Glad the party was fun fun. Owen looks WAY WAY more excited than regular indulged-in-every-year 4 year-olds.

Hot Diggity Daws said...

I arrived home from work and my two merry men had to show me their sweet rides. They were driving all around the living room. Griffin(3) would yell Pit Stop (sounds like piss stop) to stop and reattach wheels that flew off in the mad furry! It was pretty funny. We have video footage of the event. Good thing my kids get to enjoy your huge birthday traditions. I need to get on board so you can send some kids to a rocking party! Thanks!

Kelly said...

Happy Birthday Owen!!
He is looking so grown up and a lot like his sis in that picture.
That looks like a fun party and I think I like the every 4 years thing too!!

Hot Diggity Daws said...

Brian confirms the airplane banner. He said, Yeah she must have called in a air commander. Someone who knows how to fly, and tie knots onto tiny loops.

It is official, YOU are super mom!