Wednesday, October 15, 2008

MTV Cribs--Ghetto Edition

I thought I'd give you all a tour of where I live and tell you how I can go from living in a beautiful 5 bedroom house in the best neighborhood ever to living in a 2 bedroom apartment in ghetto-ville and be more happy than ever.

Here is where I used to live. I really loved that house.

Here is where I live now. Shane and I just painted for used to be blue. HUGE improvement. Biggest bonus about living here, literally 5 steps from the front door to my car. Bringing in groceries is a breeze!
Here is my front room that you walk right into...same decore as my house just a smaller space.

Walk through the front room right into the kitchen. No dishwasher folks. We hand wash here. Can you even believe it? It's actually not bad.

Out the back door in the kitchen takes you to our sweet backyard. A strip of dead grass and some concrete so we can put our.....(scroll down)

Washer and Dryer out here! Perhaps the most lovely feature of living here is the outside laundry. It's a good day if you don't let any clean laundry hit the ground. It's hard to do. Think about it the next time your laundry hits your carpet or tile!

Back inside. Looking down the hallway towards the bedrooms. Kitchen on my right, Living Room on my left. Livy has made the hallway an art gallery as well.

As you walk down the long hallway on your right is the bathroom. There's a sliding door to close the shower/toilet room for some privacy, although it doesn't quite close all the way or lock. So if you ever come to visit, you might want to "go" before you get here. :)

The kids room. We tried to make it a good boy/girl mix. Morgan was taking a nap for this pic. Under Owen's bed has a matress that we pull out at night for Morgan to sleep on. It works.

And of course the reason living here is great...this guy. I told my friend the other day I would rather be happy in a 2 bedroom apartment than miserable in a 5 bedroom house.

Of course, I wouldn't mind being happy in a 5 bedroom house...but for now, this is perfect!
Editors Note: It has been brought to my attention that I have failed to give credit where credit is due. Please forgive me and let me do so now. Had I moved into this apartment in its original condition I would probably be crying right now, but my sister Allyson and my sister-in-law Lana and several other family and friends worked their buns off to get this place painted and remodeled so it wouldn't be quite so depressing. They redid the shower tile, countertops in the bathroom and kitchen, painted the cupboards and every room. And my brother-in-law Troy installed my floor. Thank you my awesome peeps. Love you!
P.S. My room was covered in laundry, so it was not pictured here. Sorry.


Lana said...

At least your ghetto-crib is decorated and remodeled SUPER fabulously. Who's your designer?!?!?

Erock! said...

Dixie, you are AWESOME. I loved that post.

Hot Diggity Daws said...

I loved this post! You are so great. The place looks really nice inside. You have done such a great job. The kids probably love it. I am glad you are so happy, and near all your family! I want to see some more couple pictures. Newly weds always have lots of couple shots. :)

The Hytes said...

So strange. I used to look out onto that house every day. All I have to say is I want your attitude. I swear, if I could be as happy as you are I'd live in a cardboard box!

CJ Rush said...

That is so beautiful, Dixie...just a wonderful reminder that it's not THINGS that make us happy, it is the people around why do we think we have to be keeping up with the Joneses!? Thanks for that great post.

Allyson & Jere said...

Oh Dix, you sure know how to post 'em. You failed to show a picture of your sweet room, AND more importantly failed to give a shout out to those who made your apartment look so freaking fab. I mean, if you had to live in it in it's previous condition, THEN you might have some ghetto to talk about, hehehehe. But for reallys, it was a great post, thanks for the reminder to be happy with what ya got.

Dixiechick said...

True true....If it were not for Lana and Allyson (and their crew)the apartment would not look so great. They worked their buns off to make it cute and I will forever appreciate them for that. THANK YOU!!!

Krista said...

Hi, I clicked on your blog from my cousin Kenyon Robsons blog where I saw a comment you left on hers about being in Sonias ward. I am Sonias older sister Krista. My husband and daughter were at Taylors party but I unfortunantly had to work. But I just wanted to tell you, your blog is way cute and I about died reading your MTV Cribs!!!! Hallariouse! Seriously It made my night!

The Hobbs Family said...

Dixie your current home is beautiful! You can just tell it's filled with LOVE! BTW, it has been a while since we had a GNO. I know Shane is so great and all, but could Kate and I steal you away one night!? Love, Tiff

Jenalee said...

"I told my friend the other day I would rather be happy in a 2 bedroom apartment than miserable in a 5 bedroom house."

So tell me, WHICH fabulous friend were you talking to when you had such an inspirational thought? I am pretty sure that it was in direct relation to the person on the other line. Some friends just bring out the best in you, what can I say?

Nash said...

I thought that at least it looks great inside. Nice painting and chair-rail (sp)?
Way to go fam.

Heidi said...

two tone paint and chair rail.... that's posh for a 2 bed apartment. It does look cute though and I'm so glad you're happy!

michele said...

Dixie, I just found your blog and I am so glad to see you happy! Congratulations!!! It brings tears to my eyes, you deserve to be happy!! You, your husband and your kids look great. And you know what they say "love grows best in little houses". By the way you make a beautiful couple. My blog is I will keep checking yours.