Friday, October 17, 2008

F -- AT

So yesterday Olivia is telling me about someone she saw that is "Fat". I told her not to use that word, that it makes people feel bad.

"Why?" she wanted to know.

So I launched into an explanation of how it's harder for some people to stay thin and not all people like to exercise and it doesn't matter if we are big or small, it's what's inside that counts...yada yada yada.

So then she says, "Well, my teacher at school, he's...."

"A big guy?" I offered.

"Well, I don't really want to say 'cause he'll feel bad, but it starts with an F and ends with an AT."

How could I reprimand the girl for that?

That is a clever 5 year old my friends.


Melanie said...

Am I allowed to laugh or is that rude?

Allyson & Jere said...

Ok, first of all, the picture of her is so cute. Secondly, coming from the FAT aunt, thanks for the explanation to her, I'm sure it concerns her to no end that I'm F..AT. hahahaha

Erock! said...

that was funny.