Monday, October 6, 2008

Ego Boost

Want to feel awesome? Spend an hour in a kindergarten classroom.

I volunteered to help in Livy's class this morning and I'm pretty sure I acheived some sort of celebrity status. (at least I felt like it).

I started by helping with "groups", helping the kids work on a worksheet. During this time one boy asked me, "Who are you? Kiley's older sister?" Yes, that's right, I have a 5 year old little sister. I like that kid.

Also during this time I worked with a boy named Rocellus (cute little black kid...actually, biggest kid in the class). Sometimes there are people that you just like automatically and you don't know why. That's how it was for me with Rocellus. He was all energy, very funny as well as smart. I told him I had a little boy that he reminded me of who was also very smart and full of energy. He asked his name, we talked a bit, and bam--we were friends.

Livy kept glancing back when her group was at other stations. She didn't like me fraternizing with the enemies...and in this case anyone else that had my attention was an enemy. I'm HER mom afterall.

When groups were over it was time for recess. Most moms leave at this time but I had told Livy I would go out for a bit. So true to my word, out we went.

Before we could even get to the playground I was swarmed by about 20 kids who wanted to play with me. We quickly decided on London Bridges and started to play but then we got busted by the recess monitor who said that game was off limits. So we started up a rousing game of duck, duck, goose with about 35 kids in the circle. Every minute or so other kids would come over and ask if they could join in. Jealous 4th graders looked on from their playground, wishing they could get in on the action. Let's face it, we were the party.

I got to start and I chose Rocellus as the goose. Then he chose me. Then I chose Livy and it was 20 other kids after that. There were constantly about 12 faces with worried eyes and down turned mouths looking at me and telling me they hadn't gotten picked. It was sad and I could remember being that age and wanting so badly to be "picked". I was special, right? I know that's how they all felt.

I wanted to tell them all, "Yes, you are special." And I really felt that for them all.

I have to admit, it was truly fun to play duck, duck, goose with all those kids.

As we were getting back in line several kids (girls and boys) came up and hugged me, one wanted to hold my hand on the way back to the classroom (Livy was kind enough to share) and just before we started to walk back Rocellus came up to me and said,

"You know what I think, I think you're someone that's important to me."

You know what Rocellus, I feel the same way.

P.S. Fellow Bloggers, now I understand why you take a camera everywhere and take picutres of everything. I understand this post would be much more effective if I had a picture of Rocellus and Livy's classmates. Lesson learned, I will try harder next time.


Anonymous said...

That is so sweet, Dixie! We need more parents like you in the classroom who make the kids feel special!

Greg and Tammy said...

Livy's mom has got it going on...

Love the story! And love all those yearbook pics. Greg found that site about a month ago and had a blast.

Crandell Fam said...

OK, that's just funny! You are the party for sure!

Kenyon said...

I love your blog. The way you write is awesome it makes me laugh. That is so funny that you saw my kids at the party. My husband and I were in Utah, thats why we werent with them. Your family is so beautiful! Thank you for your comment. Im gonna put you on my list if thats ok so I can peek in on ya every now and again :)

Nash said...

That is pretty funny!
I help in Avery's class every other week and it is quite funny to see how they all interact.
Cute story.
Definitely need a picture of the ROC.

Nash said...

Lana and I must be on the same schedule.
Didn't we have the last one on june 1st?
You'll see me some day when I have lost a few pounds. it might be awhile.=)

LadyCarma said...

You are the best! Thanks for telling the story and making me feel it with you. I love reading about you and your family. I always did think you were so much fun.