Sunday, October 12, 2008

Flossing-- A Poll of Your Teeth

The other night Shane and I were flossing our teeth together (so cute huh--ya, it was attractive), and Shane says to me,

"You are so weird. You are the only person I know that flosses AFTER you brush."

To which I responded, "Really? How many people are you intimately familiar with their flossing habits."

"Good point." He said.

And so now, I turn to you.

I floss after I brush. Shane flosses before he brushes. Who's the weird one? Shane or me?

What do you do? (after, right?)


Jenna said...

After--the less I see of what's between my teeth the better so I say brush it all away and then deal with the flossing!

Kelly said...

I used to floss after I brush too. It's less gross to me. Now, I switch it up because Will made fun of me for doing it before. Maybe boys floss before because they are gross!

Kelly said...

I meant to say Will made fun of me for flossing after. oops.

Allyson & Jere said...

Uhh, WHEN I Do floss, it is MOST DEFINITELY after I brush. I think before is totally wierd!

Anonymous said...

I floss before--then the good brush and rinse after...I mean, what if your flossing was really "effective" after, isn't it better to brush that all off and rinse after?!

Kenyon said...

I DEFINATELY floss after!! That is the normal way :)That grosses me out to think of flossing before...I dont know why.

The Hobbs Family said...

I like to brush, then floss then brush again. If anything I'm thorough and I apparently agree with you and Shane! I'm Switzerland! Tiff

Lana said...

I actually did a google search because I am definitely of the mindset that you floss, get a lot of nasty crud out of there, and then brush/rinse it away. One site said, according to the ADA: before or after--either is fine, just do it. Most opinions that I read believed that flossing should be done first and then brushed away, but the official word is just make sure you're doing it everyday. :)

AL&G said...

In the Saturday morning commercial song the little dinosaur sings about brushing and then flossing. He/She (I am not sure how to tell gender in the dinosaur family) does not mention order, but IT does sing about brushing first, so that's what we do. I would prefer to just let the dentist do it twice a year, but he's not down with that. :)

Dixiechick said...

Thank you people. I think my point is proven. MOST of you do it the right way. I knew Shane was the weird one. :)

Dana said...

The last thing the cranky hygenist does to my mouth after she has cleaned my teeth is floss! So of course I used to always floss AFTER. But then, said cranky hygenist began giving me all kinds of grief for not using a Water-pic. "They're better than flossing." So I water-pic.....AFTER.

Dana said...

SORRY....I didn't spell hygienist correctly! Ugh.

Nash said...

I have to think about this. I always figure floss then brush, that way you brush away any excess on your teeth. I will ask my cousin dentist, we just had cleanings. The floss tape is better. Oh and did you know you aren't supposed to rinse after mouthwash or eat anything for 30 minutes?

Heidi said...

who flosses before you brush? what's up with that? definitely after is the correct answer.

Crandell Fam said... the gunk that comes out gets washed away. Duh.

michele said...

Before, I use the floss to get the gunk out of my teeth and then brush it out of my mouth with the tooth brush and paste.