Tuesday, April 21, 2009

"The Jiggly Leg"

It's 1 am and something is keeping me awake.

Maybe it's my cough, but mostly I think it's "the jiggly leg".

What's the Jiggly Leg?

Well I'm glad you asked.

Many months ago I was sleeping one night when suddenly I was awakened by a small tremor.

My whole bed was shaking.

Then it stopped.

About 20 seconds later it was shaking again.

I live in Arizona, not California, so I was pretty sure it wasn't an earthquake.

I measured this shaking off and on for several minutes....almost exactly 20 seconds apart every time.

I couldn't figure out what was happening in my sleepy stupor, but somehow my smart little brain reasoned it must have something to do with the man next to me.

I slowly reached out my foot to feel for his leg.

Sure enough, 20 seconds later it started shaking.

If it weren't so annoying it would be incredibly fascinating!

The man is dead asleep and somehow his body is sending out impulses at 20 second intervals to shake shake shake that leg of his.

Well of course I had to wake him and inform him of his craziness.

He was embarrassed and slightly fascinated as well.

We had a good laugh.

The Jiggly Leg has reared it's ugly head from time to time.

Generally when Shane is pretty stressed, sick or extra tired.

I wonder which one it is tonight.

All I know is that Jiggly Leg is going right now....every 20 seconds.

I hope it stops soon.

I'm sleepy.


LadyCarma said...

Steve does the same thing in his sleep. I wake up, wonder what woke me up, and then he starts to shake his leg, and the bed moves. I guess I am a really light sleeper so I feel it and wake up. I know what you mean about being sleepy! Between the leg shaking and the loud snoring, I get awakened a lot at night. Now that I have no children at home, you would think I could get a good night's sleep? Not in this life!

Lana said...

Maybe he's having some kind of dream like the dog in "Cinderella" where he's chasing Lucifer the cat? Or perhaps it's some kind of charlie horse? I have those regularly when I'm pregnant...but, that's not really a good reason for Shane. Hmm.

Jules said...

Fascinating. He has a jiggly leg while sleeping. Do you still have the bouncing leg while you are awake? Maybe the more daytime bounce the more night time jiggling. :-)

wendy said...

Hilarious!!! A little restless leg syndrome can certainly interfere with sleep. No question! I have never measured such a thing, that is quite awesome that it was occuring in his sleep. Although, I of course feel for you that it interfered with your slumber! Can anyone say nap tomorrow?

Allyson & Jere said...

Jere has totally suffered such leg tremors, add that to his rocking, and well, you can guess....annoying. Good thing I can fall asleep pretty quickly, and apparently not be too bothered with it once asleep. Sorry you had to suffer even MORE lack of sleep at the hands at somone OTHER than your kids.