Monday, April 13, 2009

Challenge #14

Have you ever seen the documentary Super Size Me?

Truly disgusting.

However, what is more worrisome than fast food is the portion sizes we eat.  Whether it be fast food or not, American's eat TOO MUCH food.

How many times have we looked at a box of cereal and said, "Hey, only 130 calories!"  but we totally ignore the serving size that says 3/4 of a cup and instead we eat 3 bowls of it, all the while trying to convince ourselves that we've had somewhere around 130 calories.  

While you may be able to fool your mind, your body is smarter than that.

The challenge this week is to pay very close attention to serving sizes and don't eat more than a serving size of anything.  Measure things out and look at it closely so you can learn what it looks like.  Retrain your eyes and your brain and your stomach will fall in line.

If you go out to eat, ask your waiter for a box at the beginning of the meal so you can put whatever is more than your serving size in the box to take home.  If it's not on your plate you won't be nearly as tempted to eat it.  Most restaurant portions are 2-3 times bigger than a serving should be, so cutting it at least in 1/2 is a good rule of thumb.

Use this week to really learn what eating healthy LOOKS like.  

Again, what you eat matters, but HOW MUCH you eat matters a lot more.

If you're supersizing your meal you're supersizing your body--

--and I'm pretty sure we don't want that. :)

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