Monday, November 17, 2008

You Have to Admit...It's Sort of Impressive

This past Saturday was Livy's Fall Festival for her school. It's sort of a mini-carnival fund raiser. We got the kids all ready and Morgan was looking cuter than ever. But we all know that Pig Pen lives inside of her, just waiting to come out.

Here she is looking adoreable. (and clean)
Full length shot to attest to her cleanliness. Brand new overalls.

Shane bought Orange Powerade and Morgan drank almost the entire bottle. She's showing me her orange mouth.

Here she is moments before we left. A mere 2 hours after the first picture was taken. Orange stained face, dissheveled hair, stained and wet overalls because she fell into the "duck pond". She's saying "CHEESE" as loud as she can.

Somehow our other participants were able to make it through relatively unscathed. (although Livy did spill a little Powerade on herself). This is Livy, Maya (Eric & Jody's girl) and Owen.

Now there is proof positive that I DO get Morgan ready. So if you ever run across us when she is in her Pig Pen state, just know that 30 minutes earlier she was clean as a whistle!


Lana said...

That's just hysterical. The pictures tell the best story ever. :)

Hot Diggity Daws said...

What a doll Morgan is. I wholeheartedly believe she starts out looking fantastic, good job getting a picture whilst still in the impressive state. Looks like they had a great time! Teach Shane about the colorless poweraide :) !!!

Jules said...

Funny!! Morgan reminds me of my Taylor. Often I wonder why I even bother to doll her up. Way to capture the before and after for proof.

TheOrttFamily said...

Don't you just love that!! haha..Layla she gets wet she changes, she opens her closet she changes...she is always in new clothes and I do her hair, once in the car we get to where we are going she has it torn out..ugggg...why bother...

Allyson & Jere said...

Dear Dixie -

I only say this out of love, adoration and concern for your spelling skillz. The word is ADORABLE, not adoreable. I'm just saying. I don't want anyone to think you aren't as spectacularly brilliant as you really are. Oh, and also, I'm sort of a spelling savant. The END. hehehe