Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Innocent? No. Punky? YES!

Now Owen tends to take decieving pictures. See here how he looks sort of vulnerable, maybe even slightly nervous. He's not that way at all. Well, maybe when an albino crocodile is at his back, but that's it.

Today, as happens every day, he hit/kicked/teased/whatevered Morgan. She wailed and I ran after Owen. Really, daily. Today, however, my strong "OWEN!" warnings were not enough to get him to stop and I had to chase him down. He ran outside and around my grandpa's car (who lives in the unit in front of us) and then stopped to look at me.

He laughed and said, "ha ha".

Blood starting to boil.

For some reason I had a jar of yeast in my hand because I was getting ready to make rolls and I forgot to set it down before this fun little adventure began. That's lucky for him.

I tried to carefully plan out my next move. As I edged around the back end of the car he went towards the front. My grandpa has a ramp in front of his door for wheelchair access. Somehow Owen forgot to calculate this into his getaway and he tripped. I seized my opportunity and snagged him by the back of the shirt.

MAJOR time out. I know scary huh? Time out.

But what do I do? Nothing makes this kid nervous...except an albino crocodile at his back.

Anyone know where I can pick one up?


Melanie said...

Yikes - while that story is funny to me I'm sure it isn't to you. If you find a strategy that works, let me know.

Hot Diggity Daws said...

In 1 hour yesterday Griffin got the mascara and painted his and Lincolns lips and arms, dumped an entire bag of Kix cereal and sprayed eye makeup remover all over the window seal. I feel your pain. Nothing seems to breakthrough the blood-brain barrier!

Dana said...

Ummm Wendy and Dixie....apparently you've forgoten to check with Uncle Dave for the soulution to these little problems. I had a )#*&*%*3 year old Jamyn once. But, then Uncle Dave thoughtfully gave me a very large wooden paddle with the words PAIN engraved on it. *wink*

Jenna said...

I can't tell you how much better it makes me feel to know I am not the only one that has a son impervious to your basic discipline. Gotta love them...at least some of the time.

Hot Diggity Daws said...

Ohh, it is the Butt-Brain barrier I need to breakthrough!! Nice! Maybe I should get my dad to carve up a couple of those for us for Christmas!!! LOL