Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I hurt my knee during my run yesterday.

It hurts to walk. It sorta burns when I'm just sitting here.

What the?

I was so proud of myself for not having any injuries or sickness during this training session.

But then, yesterday, when I should be tappering, I decided to SPRINT HARD the last part of my run because I was feeling so great and because I'm an idiot. I felt a little twinge, but nothing big.

As the day went on it hurt more and more and more.

This morning I wanted to cry.

Shane assured me it's a strain and that everyone knows that strains get better in 2 days.

Please oh please oh please oh please...I hope he is right.



Julz said...

That stinks! I have constant "knee injury fear" I hope it gets better. You need to move next door to me so we can run, swim, bike and play play play together. Remeber the days of 5am running at WW. That was fun, we didnt even have to worry about a babysitter, can you imagine?

Anonymous said...

Oh, Dixie! Just take it easy for the next couple of days...I'll send you some good vibes and hope that you will heal in time for the race! Good luck, girl!

Greg and Tammy said...

Come on Dixie... if you wanted to sissy out of the triathalon, you should have just been HONEST. Don't ask Alyson to kick you in the knee over and over until it hurts. Gosh. Some people. :) (ok, really, I hope you get better). :) And BTW, saw you and Livy in your stardom on the Baby Signing Times this morning! You are a celebrity!