Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Picture Tag--I'm It!

This is the 2nd time (that I know of) that I've been tagged for something. Totally flaked on the first one (sorry Kelly, I kept forgetting), but this one seemed easy enough.

Go to your 3rd picture folder and click on the 3rd picture in it.

This is the picture I found.

It's a picture of Morgan's 1st birthday cake--Hello Kitty. August 25, 2007.

To be honest, when I look at this cake I'm amazed. Not because it is such a perfect replica of Hello Kitty, but because looking at this cake and the little party that surrounded it, you would have no idea that just 23 days earlier I had found out my husband was having an affair, and just 2 days before the party he had moved out. But life goes on. Birthday parties are celebrated and Hello Kitty cakes are made.

There was so much going on at that time. Sometimes I felt like I had been spinning in circles for hours and just trying to think straight required me to strain every muscle in my brain. I know the only way I made it through that time was many, many prayers from family and friends, love, support, service and my Heavenly Father who carried me through it all.

Hmmm, who knew a Hello Kitty cake picture could conjure up so many memories.

Okay, I tag Lana, Allyson, Cherry and Melanie. (If you don't play tag, no prob. I will only be highly offended for a week.)


LadyCarma said...

I personally was very worried about you, and prayed all the time that you could make it through. I know what you mean about people and prayers sustaining you when you need them.

On Sep 15, 1989, my oldest child, 16 years old, fell off the hood of a car, suffered a skull fracture, a subduralhematoma on the top of her brain, and was in a coma for three days. Without the prayers, fasting and support of ward, family, and friends, I would not have made it through that time.

Never under-estimate the power of prayer!

bgerson said...

Who said your not creative!?

I remember that time too, doesn't it sometimes feel like yesterday, but also a lifetime away? I feel like that sometimes. I find myself separating my life to the before/after Avery died.
I can't believe that us, all in a row had such hardships to go through! Was it a west side/east side thing? Oh wait, Jenalee was on the east hmmm that blows my theory!
You are so strong and I am so happy for you and Shane!

ps I wish you were still our neighbor too! we miss you!

Jules said...

I am so glad you made it through that huge trial. You are such a strong person. The Hello Kitty could be like Hello New Better Life. Is Morgan's birthday actually August 25th. If so that is interesting that your 3rd child and my 3rd child have the same birthday just 2 years apart.

CJ Rush said...

wow. I will never look at Hello Kitty the same way again. You are so amazing and I have learned so much from you. You are so strong. I'm so glad to have you as a friend. You just amaze me, truly.

Hot Diggity Daws said...

I can't believe you made that adorable cake amidst all that turmoil. Jeesh. I made little Brian's first birthday cake... that is 1 homemade cake for 10 possible birthdays. Yeah, and it was not super cool, just chocolate! Love the hair bow!

Dana said...

Hmph. Nobody tagged me. Is that becuase I don't have a blog?