Thursday, November 6, 2008

1 Year Ago Today....

One year ago today I met this 33 year old guy living in Provo. His name was Shane Dixon.

We had met on LDS Planet a few days earlier as a fluke since my profile was listed in Mesa, AZ and his was listed in Provo, UT. We exchanged a few emails, Instant Messanged each other once and talked on the phone once. I had turned him down several times previously to meet, but after IM'ing him I had a strong urge to meet him. I couldn't believe that I actually wanted to meet him. I was sworn off men for life. I didn't need them. I didn't want them. I was better off on my own...I was sure of it. Besides that, I had plans...big plans and none of them involved men. But I couldn't shake it. I had to meet him.

I figured out a way to meet him for one hour @ 4pm on Tuesday, November 6, 2007. I think I was near hyperventalation all day. He texted me "T-7 hours" at 9am. Butterflies danced in my stomach. It was exciting, it was fun, but most of all it was TERRIFYING!!! Not because I thought he was going to "chop me up into a million little pieces" as my brother-in-law Jere expressed was his concern moments before I met Shane, but mostly because I hadn't been on a date in over 7 years. And I didn't want to like him. In fact, my main reason in meeting him was so that I could rule him out. Poor Shane...he had to put up with a lot from me in the beginning (and even still) but he was a trooper about it.

When I pulled up to his school to meet him he was out front talking to some lady. As I walked up to him he gave me an awkward hug...awkward because I don't do that. I'm not really a first-time-meeting-you-hugger. He picked up on it right away.

We drove to Kneader's to eat. He chowed. I couldn't even think of eating. I can't recall the last time I was so nervous. I just sat there and smiled. He asked how I was able to get away for an hour. I told him I was ditching my counseling appointment. Nice Dixie. You're a crazy lady that can't do anything but smile. After about 30 minutes I think I relaxed a tiny bit and started talking a little more.

The crappy thing was, I liked him. I liked the way he talked. I liked the things he had to say. I liked the way he looked. I liked the way he listened. I liked the vibe I got from him. I liked all the things I could see that he didn't need to tell me--he had a glow. I knew he was good. I just knew it. And I was surprised that I knew it.

I had told him that we could move forward with our planned date for friday if this meeting went well. As he dropped me off at my car I said, "So, friday..."

"What do you think?" he a super cute and vulnerable way.

I told him, "You passed...just barely." Man I was a punk. But according to his mother, that's why he liked me.

It was a great day. I still didn't know that I had found my best friend.

I didn't know that until Friday.


Julz said...

Cant say I know exactly how I found you in the blog world just a bunch of click, click, clicks. Anyway...cute blog. But really, did you not know that flour comes from wheat?

Lana said...

Crazy crazy that it was a year ago already. And you waited until Sunday night after that Friday night date to call and tell me any of this!!! :) Yea for finding love where you least expect it!!

Kelly said...

I can't read you blog any more. It either makes me pee my pants from laughing or want to cry. Too bad am addicted.
I think that is a great story!

Jules said...

This is a great post. I think Shane was your ultimate Tender Mercy. So are you going to post again as to how you knew he was your best friend on Friday, or leave it to our imagination? I find it interesting that we met our bestfriend/future husbands almost the same day of the year. Me Wed 11/5/97 and you Wed 11/6/07 You know me I am a freak about dates and numbers. ;-)

Anonymous said...

That is a wonderful story, Dixie. I love your posts. I get a lot of hope from them...I need lots of hope with all the things going on in this country...thanks for being a positive part of my day.

Allyson & Jere said...

I sort of have to hate you, and here is why. You write such GREAT posts. They're written so well, and as someone above stated, they're either making me cry or cracking me up. Thanks for writing this, who knew what a journey you and Shane would go on in one short year. I'll never forget last Thanksgiving when he bravely met the Shums for the first time. He IS a trooper!

Crandell Fam said...

OK, so is it weird that I'm crying right now after reading this? Seriously. So happy for you.