Friday, November 7, 2008

Fitness Tip #2--Have a Specific Goal

This is nothing new. You have all heard this before, but for some reason it's hard to completely understand what "specific" means here. I have dealt with clients over and over that can't get "specific" with their goals. I think part of it is a fear of failure. But the funny thing is when you get specific you are much less likely to fail.

Here are some examples of non-specific goals that will do you no good:

  • Get in shape

  • Lose weight

  • Tone up

  • Get rid of "this" (insert whatever body part you are pointing at)

Goals like these provide no motivation.

Here are some examples of specific goals that will help and provide motivation:

  • Participate in a ______________ (1/2 marathon, marathon, triathlon, 5k, duathlon, etc) on this date______________. (then pick a specific date).

  • Fit into my size ___ pants by this date ________________.

  • Lose ______ pounds per week & ______ pounds by this date _________.

They are specific and therefore you know that each workout matters because time is ticking away toward that specific date.

I would say the most effective of these goals for me has been to do triathlon's. Tell people you are doing it. Register for it. Suddenly it is very real and you know you'd better get on it. Then you aren't thinking so much about "getting in shape" or "losing weight" you are looking past that...but those things come anyway.

If you are pregnant, pick an event 6 months after your baby is born to participate in. Total motivation to lose your baby fat.

If you are not pregnant, find something to register for within the next 4-6 months...even if it's just a 5k. Then work every day to make sure you can complete your goal.

You do not have to be an athlete to participate in events like this. I know my friend Cherry did a 1/2 marathon not too long ago and she said she has never been athletic. But she set a goal and she acheived it. And I know it felt so good. (good job Cherry).

So set your SPECIFIC goal. Write it down. Put it on your mirror and look at it every day. If it's an event, register for it so you don't try to back out. You can do whatever you put your mind to.

I promise.


Marissa Marie said...

Hey, can you be MY trainer? Just kidding. But seriously, love your fitness tips and words of encouragement. And I like your clever take on life. Hope you have a great weekend!

Kelly said...

This tip is such a good one!
Signing up for an event is a miracle cure for laziness!
I'm already trying to plan my next event after baby. It helps keep me sane!
I think my goal will be the Portland Marathon in Oct., but I can't sign up until April. Also I must get arms like yours. Is that a specific goal?
I guess I need to put a time frame on it. I'll go think about that while I eat some cookies;)

Greg and Tammy said...

OK. How's this for a goal? Lose double chin in pictures. :) Ok really though, great advice Dixie! We missed you last night!!

michele said...

Dixie, I love reading the advice you give. I believe you are right about being specific. When you are not it is easy to end up doing nothing. Keep the great advice coming.:)