Monday, March 9, 2009

Challenge #10

Honestly, I think one of the biggest secrets to staying thin is water and lots of it.

Often people think they are drinking a lot of water but don't really have any idea of how much they are drinking.

I think you might be surprised to find out that you aren't drinking as much as you're supposed to.

So challenge #10 is drinking the right amount of water for your body.

How much is that, you ask me?  Well let me tell you.

Straight out of my NASM text here are the guidelines:
  • On average an individual should consume about 96 oz (3 quarts) of water per day. **That is MORE than the 8 glasses a day that we have heard forever.
  • Those in fat-loss programs should drink an additional 8 oz for every 25 pounds they carry above their ideal weight.
  • Drink 20-40 oz of water for every hour of exercise.
When you are properly hydrated you body will function much more exercise and just in every day life.  Your body can adapt to many things, but it CANNOT adapt to dehydration.

So let that water bottle be attached to you hip.

Figure out exactly how much you need to drink every day and drink it from morning to night. (Please do not try to drink a ton all at once, that can be dangerous.  Spread it out through the day).

Mmmmmmm, water.

Drink up!


MamaD said...

So what about the fluid that we get from our food like all the fruit I eat - doesn't that count toward my overall fluid consumption or is that recommendation for water on top of what you already take in via food?

Julz said...

And then sit on the pot every half hour!! =)

Dixiechick said...

Yes, the recommendation is just for water...what you get from food/fruit is not included. It's hard to measure that accurately anyway. You want to err on the side of being very hydrated rather than dehydrated.

And yes'll be doing a lot of peeing. :)

Dana said...'ll only be peeing a lot for the first few days. After that your body does do some adjusting. :) I'm pretty stunned that although I drink a LOT of water, I don't think I've been drinking 128oz (plus more for an hour of exercise.) Yikes.... more water!!! (makes me remember that we live in a dry desert--water storage anyone??)

Crandell Fam said...

Holy water Batman! That's just craziness. Don't even worry, I went out and bought myself a 2 quart bottle today so that I can dutifully fill it up and drink it TWICE in a day (not including when I work out!) Here's to drinking! :)

Liz said...

Just catching up on all my blogging. Loved all your recent posts! good job on the two miler! You rock! I will go drink my water now!

shawna henrie said...

Hi-you dont know me-i am micah henrie's aunt. i clicked on your blog from their site...i know, i was being nosey, i guess that's what this blogging thing is all about, right?!! anyway, LOVE your tips. i am currently falling into every diet trap-i need to lose some weight and your suggestions make sooo much sense and i need to apply most if not all of them to my life. anyway, thanks for all of your good advice!! i will be checking your blog again!