Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Allergies, Ugh!

Do you see this poor kid?

He has had some sort of allergy problem off and on for quite some time.

I finally decided that Benadryl just wasn't cutting it and now that we have good insurance, I took him to see an allergy specialist.

Turns out he's "moderately" allergic to grass and trees and "mildly" allergic to weeds.  But the doctor said that in a 4 year old this translates to some "pretty bad allergies."

I actually began getting allergies when I was pregnant with Owen...so it figures he'd have them.  I don't know how, but it just figures. :)

I am finally going to get my own allergies tested in 2 weeks.

I have them really bad -- almost to the point of not being able to function some days.  

Every year I keep thinking I might win the allergy lottery and somehow they will just be gone.

So far this hasn't happened and they are already starting to manifest this year.

I can't take it anymore!


Lana said...

How did you get such a freaky picture of him?! It's the perfect allergy face. Sorry Owen. Sorry Dixie. Mine are starting to come on a bit now that March is here. But I hope I don't look like Owen in this shot here. :) Let's home some drugs will help him out tremendously.

Dixiechick said...

Getting that picture of him was a total fluke...but perfect, I know. I feel so bad for him, but he never really complains.

Damian said...

aw, poor kiddo. Good thing he lives in a dessert.

Greg and Tammy said...

Oh yes. The beloved allergies. I've had them since I left for BYU at age 18... and been heavily medicated on Allegra and Nasonex nasal spray every since. If I even go 2 days without my meds, I get a sinus infection. I FEEL YOUR PAIN!! I promise you will love life once you know your allergy specifics. And the good news is that allergy meds are mostly generic now, so you can get them for relatively cheap.

TheOrttFamily said...

That is a sad looking picture of him..I can totally relate how he feels at times...poor kid!! and let me know when you get the magic pill...haha

Dana said...

Ugh! Welcome to Hayden and Jamyn's life Owen! When they did the "all over the ENTIRE back allergy test" on Hayden he came back allergic to every green grass, tree, flower, mold, etc. He hates it, but we don't let it keep him from mowing the lawn or anything drastic like that. *wink* Glad you are getting him some help from the Dr.

Anonymous said...

I saw that same face on Griffin a few weeks ago and gave him some Benadryl, so pathetic. Griff loves to play out in the dirt under the tramp and then he will come in saying, "I'm Tired," On closer look he appears short of breath, and he has an audible wheeze. Allergies are the worst!

LadyCarma said...

After moving to Texas from Utah in October 1980, being pregnant with Lana, I had a huge allergy or sensitivity to the pollen, etc. The doctor wanted to give me steriod shots - I said no, not with a baby growing inside. I opted the "herbs" route. It worked, and I have recommended the "herbs" to many over the years. Herbs take a few weeks to have all the benefits, but they have no side effects in most cases.

Here is the herb/natural way to get allergy relief: First thing in the morning, use a netti pot or flush salt water saline in both nostrils, and blow out gently. Take one ginger capsule (from health food or Walmart stores or use regular dried cooking ginger), with breakfast. For younger children, like Owen, 1/2 cup warm water and 1/16 teas. ginger powder, stir and drink. Also with breakfast, pour one small glass tomato juice or grape juice and a sprinkling of cayenne pepper and drink fast. (This will have a burn in the throat and mouth - adjust the amount of cayenne to your tolerance). Follow with food to get the burn out of the mouth. If you burb ginger for a few hours, this is normal.
Within two weeks of starting this regiment of herbs, I could smell, taste food, and could breath at night lying down. It works!