Wednesday, May 5, 2010

For Susan

There is one woman in this world that is second only to my mother in her impact and influence in my life.

Her name is Susan and she happens to be the mother of my ex-husband.

I have loved her from the beginning....and through everything, I have never stopped loving her.

For a long time in the Dayton family she and I were the only women around and we bonded. A lot.

While most people would say, "Ugh, my mother-in-law is coming to visit." I would say, "YES! My mother-in-law is coming to visit. I'm so excited!"

She is always ALWAYS thinking of other people.

I began watching her right away to figure out how I could be more like her. So alive. So bright and full of energy. So much fun to be around.

She is the best hostess you will ever meet and I always wanted to figure out how to do that because she makes everyone feel so welcome--and that is truly a talent.

When Olivia was about 5 months old Susan and Merril moved to New York. All the rest of her sons (my brother-in-laws) were in Utah. We would have them over for Sunday dinner and other events often--not because I felt like it was my responsibility, but because I loved it. And also because I felt like Susan had really taught me how to host and how to enjoy it. I valued (and still do) all the things I learned from her.

She's so good at just dropping little tid-bits of information or suggestions without pushing them on you. More like, "I've learned this really interesting thing, maybe it would work for you."

When I moved to my Lehi house I was 9 months pregnant and tired. Susan unpacked my entire kitchen and much of my house. (among a million other things). When I moved from my Lehi house, leaving in the wake of a divorce from her son, she was right there to help too and I remember thinking, "How in the world would I do any of this without Susan?" She's amazing...and now I'm crying.


Because while Susan beat breast cancer a few years ago the cancer has returned, but this time it is all throughout her body and the doctors prognosis isn't promising. Liver, lungs, bones, and brain have been affected. Word is, it's terminal.

I sobbed when I heard the news. For myself and for my kids--especially for my Olivia who thinks her Grandma Susan hung the moon.

I've cried many times in the wake of this news not knowing quite what to do with it. I told Shane it was really weird for me to sort of be on the "outside" of all of this with Susan. My Susan. But here I am.

When I got divorced Susan cried because she said she didn't want to lose me. I assured her that she wouldn't. We had done nothing wrong and just because the situation changed didn't mean that our relationship had to. But it has. Our love for each other hasn't, but our relationship has had to make some adjustments.

I guess that's exactly how I feel now. No matter what happens, or how the future changes, I will always love her--even if the situation changes some. She has changed my life forever. Even with all its hardships I wouldn't change an ounce of my past because I value my relationship with her so much.

There are very few people that impact your life so fully and so directly in such a remarkable way as Susan has for me.

And for that I just want to say...

Thank You.


Allyson & Jere said...

And Now I'M crying! Oy! What a sweet and beautifully written post. She is a great lady, and you've been blessed to have her in your life, and she you. I'm so sorry this is happening, it really sucks! Just know, we've all got your back.

Liz said...

That was a great post and a great tribute to a woman who is clearly remarkable. I will keep Susan, and you, in my prayers. Thank you for sharing, Dixie.

MamaD said...

Well said.

DianD said...

What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful lady, inside and out! When we were leaving for Honduras for 3 years soon after you were married, I was comforted, knowing you would be in Susan's care! For that, I was blessed, too. Her hospitality has extended to us and your siblings and their families as well. You're right! She is very gifted in the art of "others-thinking" (thinking of others before self)and putting everyone at ease -- whatever the situation and no matter how many different people are involved. You just feel her genuineness. And then there's her ability to be elegant and salt of the earth at the same time! WOW! What a talent!!!! She is in our prayers, by name, every single day! May the Lord bless her and keep her.

Nash said...

I am so sorry to hear about this Dixie.
My mom really liked her ex SIL's and when we would run into them they would sit and chit chat. i appreciated it.
Are they still in NYC? my cousin's wife's parents are in their stake i think. and i think my other cousin served in their area (rochester mission?)
THis is just so awful. my gma died 4 yrs ago. they found it in her back first, but determined it probably started as breast cancer, it was EVERYWHERE too. she lived a year from the start of it all. SO SAD!! i am so sorry.

Dana said...

I love Susan too....since the first time I met her, to the time she welcomed single me and my five kiddos into her home and out on her boat. She is a remarkable woman. Cancer sucks!! We pray for her too, and will continue to. We'll pray for you and for your children too. And, together we will help keep Grandma Susan a real part of all our lives regardless of where she might be. Love you Dix!

Greg and Tammy said...

Cancer is such a horrible beast. So many wonderful people are affected. Susan seems to be an incredible woman. Thanks for the uplifting post.

Melanie said...

What a sweet tribute and touching post, Dix. I'm glad you shared it. I'll be praying for Susan.

Lana said...

She's amazing. I love her so much too. She's always been so welcoming and loving and happy. She is the kind of person that I just love to be around--never judging, always helping and ALWAYS cheerful. She's in my prayers too.

Jules said...

I am soo sorry to hear this. Very well written post it brought me to tears. She sounds like an AMAZING Woman. Cancer is HORRIBLE and this gives me even more determination for the 3 day to try to help find a cure.

Susan said...

I love you Dixie, Always have. Thanks for the sweet words. I am doing better and treasure every min I feel good. They say that cancer is a loving disease. You have time to tell those you love how much they mean to you. I could not be more blessed. You are counted as one of my greatest blessings. Prayers are working so keep it up!!! I have grandkids I must see grow up. Your posts keep me connected to the kids and that is amazing and wonderful for me. XOXOX

lrbodine said...

Sounds like a wonderful woman! And I went through the same thing with my mom with breast cancer and it returning and being terminal. I'm so sorry! And I think it's amazing that you are able to continue with your love of her - even with the changing situation. Your family will be in my prayers!