Monday, May 17, 2010

Winner, Winner--Chicken Dinner!

So our biggest loser contest is officially OVER!

About 5 or 6 weeks ago it became pretty obvious that Troy was gonna take this, and he did. He started at 199.2 pounds and ended at 161.0 for a total of 38.2 pounds lost and a percentage of weight loss = 19.17%! He decided he was going to win (he told me with certainty in his voice and I knew he would) and he worked hard to get there. I'm so impressed with all he has done to make changes in his life to look and feel better. He's a different person inside and out. It's amazing what being active can do for you.




There were 13 other people that started this contest with him, but when Troy had such an obvious lead everyone opted to drop out....except one person.


Sarah has been working like crazy and didn't allow herself to be deterred by this fact. It didn't matter that Troy was ahead and was most likely going to win. It wasn't about that, it was about changing her life and finishing something she started. She stayed focused. She didn't allow this to distract her or use it as an excuse to stop losing. I'm so proud and impressed with her and know that she will continue her journey because she is determined.

She started out at 246.2 pounds and now weighs 214.8 pounds for a total weight loss of 31.4 pounds and a percentage of 12.75%.




Congratulations Troy and Sarah for all you have accomplished!

You can do anything you set your mind to...

...So set your mind to great things!


Lana said...

I can't see their before pictures. They're not coming up. But congratulations to both of them! Hooray!

Dixiechick said...

Oops! You're right Lana. I just tried to fix it. Hopefully it is working now. I can see it on my end at least.

Sarah said...

Congratulations Troy!

(I could see the pictures)
Thank you Dixie!

DianD said...

Amazing work from both of them. They've lost more in 3 (or 4) months than I've lost in just shy of a year! Dedication pays off. I do know how much better I feel and will still keep working (at a slower pace, obviously), so I can only imagine how they are feeling -- physically and emotionally! Way to go all of you -- Dixie for inspiring the contest and Troy and Sarah for seriously working at it! WINNERS ALL!