Sunday, May 9, 2010

Morgan--She's "Rockin'"

Morgan is her own kind of wonderful.

She knows what she wants, and she always has.

While her sister and cousin opt for beautiful (and slightly creepy) butterfly face paint...

And her brother even gets a rainbow with a star (let's not go there people)...

Morgan opts for....Spongebob. (this picture says a lot)

One of her favorite sayings these days is: "I'm right and you're wrong."

Oh dear.

She's almost always a disheveled mess, but somehow she makes it look good.

For the past week she's been getting bloody noses almost daily to which she'll tell me, "Mom, my nose is blooding again." So we've figured out this hot new look for her so she can go on playing.

She loves her cousins, most especially Dane. But they all make her pretty happy.
(LtoR: Jayce, Morgan, Maggie, Brooklyn, Dane--yeah, she decided a shirt was superfluous.)

Morgan pushes every line and tests every limit WAY more than my other two ever have. It's part of what makes her Morgan.

She is more street smart than the others. While Olivia and Owen are very book smart (probably because I spent inordinate amounts of time reading to them and showing them flash cards when they were tiny--and Morgan sort of got the shaft in the department), Morgan always knows what's going on. She's had to figure out a lot more stuff on her own....and she has indeed figured it out. She will have to explain things to Olivia and Owen sometimes. She knows what things mean that they don't. It's crazy.

She is so comfortable and confident with herself. And, if you haven't heard it, she has the best voice in the world. :)

She's A LOT of work these days. But she sure adds a lot of color to our life.

...And, she's thankful for her ears. :)


Lana said...

Hilarious. In the words of Morgan, that post was "rock n roll!" :)

Mei Day said...

Can't wait to see those kids. She does indeed have a terrific voice.

Allyson & Jere said...

How did I miss this post. So cute! She is a crack up, for sure! I wish everyone in the world could hear her talk, because that only adds to her GREATNESS! Maggie is a big fan of Morgan, in fact last week she informed me it was MORGAN that was her best friend. At least for that moment.

DianD said...

Ah, Morgan! Her mind, thinking, self-confidence and even her voice are yours! Her exterior is different, but her interior is like "Same song, second verse". Soooo much fun and a true little Hoot! Great post that caputred Miss Morgan so well.

LadyCarma said...

I had lots of bloody noses as a child. I learned to put a little vaseline in each nostril at night to prevent dryness, and also drank liquid Jello a few times a week. The gelatin has a clotting ability, I guess. It worked for me. If you aren't carefortable using vaseline, use any kind of moisturizing saline.