Sunday, July 26, 2009

Flush This

Okay, what I'd like to know is what jerk invented automatic flushing toilets?

I used to think these were a brilliant invention.

Robot toilets!  Incredible!

I knew we had turned a technilogical corner...we no longer had to flush our own poop.

Who wouldn't enjoy such an invention?

Answer: Morgan.

Automatic toilets are apparently terrifying in her world, and judging from her reaction to said toilets I'd say they are on the same scale as flesh eating monsters.


Every new potty we encounter she asks tentatively, "Does this potty flush?"

 "No Morgan, this potty does not flush.  We flush it right here when you're done."

Often she is skeptical and if she doesn't trust it she will say she no longer needs to go.

Yesterday we went to the mall play place.

It is on the opposite end of the mall from the bathrooms (brilliant design Fiesta Mall).

Of course Morgan decides she needs to go potty.

We truck all the way across the mall.  (Luckily we didn't see Paul Blart this time. :)

Finally we get to the bathroom and she asks that blasted question: 

"Does this potty flush?"

I cringed when I looked at them, that little red sensor happily blinking back at me, just waiting to flush away our poop for us.

I hesitated, "Ummm, yes Morgan, these potty's do flush, but I can put my hand here so it doesn't."

I demonstrated as I covered the sensor, doing my best to sell the safety of the situation to her.

She was buying it!

She started to climb on the potty and had just gotten into position when the toilet next to us exploded in a very loud flush.

She jumped off in a flash, and said, "Fink I don't need to go anymore.  I'n done."

"No Morgan, you're not done.  That was the other potty that flushed, see this one is still safe."

A lot of coaxing.  

More selling of the safety of my hand over the sensor.

Finally she got back on.

Repeat the above scene 5 more times (I'm not joking).

I wanted to punch everyone right in the bladder.

After the 5th time there was nothing I could say or do to get her back on...she was done.

We trek all the way back across the mall to the play place.


So to you Mr. Automatic Toilet Flusher Inventor...

I don't like you.

We don't need robot toilets.  

We can flush our own poop, thank you very much.


Hot Diggity Daws said...

Wow, that is brutal! It never occurred to me what a problem this could be. I agree with you on the flawed Fiesta Mall bathroom layout.

Jen said...

I had one of my girls that was terrified of the soap thingy majigs that hang down in side the toilet. She would do the same thing if she found one in a toilet! Seriously people!

TheOrttFamily said...

Layla went through the same thing and still does..she examines the toliets before we go now and then she jumps off! I am with you on we will flush when done attitude! Even us Adults hate them...uggg

Jules said...

I had/have the same problem with my Taylor. Our initital scare was at a Wal-Mart with the automatic toilet, it actually flushed while she was sitting on it, pure terror on her face.

Lana said...

Who knew so many toilets would flush at the Fiesta Mall bathroom all around you? You just have to find more deserted bathrooms, huh? :) Poor terrified Morgan!!!

Allyson & Jere said...

This incited lots of giggling on my part. NOt that the experience was funny for you in any way. BUT, it was funny forme to read. Sorry Morgan is toilet broken. Better luck next time I say.

Sherry Keller said...

Jared is the same way! Every time we use a public bathroom we have to cover his ears for him. Otherwise he will touch the toilet and then cover his own ears.

Each public potty that we enter he asks, "is this toilet automatic?"

Lea said...

Oh have I been there, my little Abby is the same way, TERRIFIED!

Lifesajoy said...

Belinda was sure that her brother was going to go down the drain when I pulled the plug in the tub with him still in it. She was about 2 and she kept screaming "my brudder, my brudder". It seems that kids Morgan's age are afraid of going with the water!