Saturday, July 4, 2009

I Pledge Allegiance...

Patriotism has never been my strong suit.

Yeah, we have freedoms, so what?

And why do some crazy people have American flags on everything?

I remember as a kid trying to feel patriotic and grateful to be an American, but I just didn't get it.

Today that has changed.

I'm not exactly sure what has changed or when it changed, but it has definitely changed.

Maybe it's the fact that I am starting to feel our freedoms being taken away...not from other countries, but from our own.

Maybe it's the fact that I have been paying more attention to what it actually means to go to war and what the men and women that do go to war endure....before, during and after.

Maybe it's the fact that I no longer take for granted the human lives that were sacrificed to fight for our freedoms.

Maybe it's the fact that I want my children to grow up free--free to ride bikes, free to have opinions, free to worship, free to learn, free to work, free from an oppressive government.

I don't know what it was about today, but as we sang America the Beautiful and The Star Spangled Banner my eyes filled with tears and my heart swelled with pride to be an American and gratitude for the soldiers that were in the room with us and awe for all who put themselves in harms way to preserve Freedom.

I admire the signers of The Declaration of Independence and all they suffered because they knew how important it was.  Why don't we?

I feel guilty for ever taking America and all it's freedoms for granted.

I'm sorry I haven't fully appreciated all the people who have sacrificed for me.

Please forgive me.


Jules said...

Deep thoughts by Dixie. I think when we become Mom's we become more appreciative of many things pertaining to life for us and our children.

Julz said...

Your not the only person that hasnt been as greatful as we should. I didnt really get it until my brother Josh was deployed. You should forgive yourself.