Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Warm and Fuzzy or Straight Shooter

Shane has to give a personality test to his students.

One of the test questions asks are you more "warm and fuzzy or straight forward"?

Or maybe it asks if you prefer to be warm and fuzzy or straight forward....

Whatever, it got Shane and I talking about it.  

He asked me if I think I'm more warm and fuzzy or straight forward.

Yeah, I know all of you just laughed.

He knew the answer too...I think he was just testing me.

Let's face it, there is not a warm and fuzzy personality in my whole family.

I didn't stand a chance.

I suppose I'd say Porter is the closest to that, but truth be told he's a warm and fuzzy straight shooter.

But what I told Shane is that I wish I was a warm and fuzzy personality.

You know, the kind of person that everyone says, "Oh I just lover her, she's the nicest person I know."

I'm well aware that this is not the statement that is said about me when I walk out of a room.

The problem is I am constantly observing and I'm highly dedicated to truth and being a straight shooter is who I am. (not that warm and fuzzy people are liars...oh gees, you know what I mean).

I have a lot of friends that I would put in the warm and fuzzy category:  Kate Arnett, Greg & Tammy (they are the cutest couple...had to put them in together), Jennifer Carlson, Janelle Wheadon, Brooke Kane, Kristina Christopherson, Summer Driggs...and more.  

I love these people.

They are warm and kind and friendly and think a lot about others.

I want to be more like them.

I just don't know how to be.

I asked Shane, "So what is it that people do say about me?"

He just smiled.

...I think he was afraid to answer.


Mom Dian said...

Well, they probably say about you like they do most of the rest of the Shumways -- immediate family and extended.... "You never have to wonder where ...(they) stand. They tell you right out." And frankly (no pun intended), there's nothing wrong with that.
Love ya,

AL&G said...

Hmmmm, how to describe Dixie? So many words come to mind...warm and fuzzy would definitely be included. I still remember when you came to visit me and Gunner right after he was born. The look on your face and your kind words would definitely be considered warm and fuzzy...and the beauty of it was I knew you meant it because you only say what you mean. Loves, Linds

Dana said...

LOLOLOL Love this post cause of course I've written the same one a thousand times in my own mind. The only thing I can say is that there is a difference between a "mean and jerky straight shooter" and a "sincere, loving--I really am nice--straight shooter". We really do have warm and fuzzy moments, they are in there. It's just that they ususally follow the straight forwardness. :-) The most important people in our lives--children/family--they know our warm & fuziness, and that's what matters. (And maybe, just maybe all those softies out there yearn to have a little "say it like it is" in their blood. Love you!!

Allyson & Jere said...

I for one need to state that my favorite part of this post is the picture. That is KILLING me! But then, I liked the rest two, except for the part where you imply I'm not warm and fuzzy. I'm offended! Oh well, love us or leave us I guess. Love YOU!

Lana said...

I agree with Dana, there are definitely jerk-faced straight-shooters out there, but being a straight-shooter doesn't automatically put you in that category. There are up and down sides either way. Like Allyson, the kitten CRACKED me up. Where do you find this stuff???

Nash said...

am i in the straight shooter list? GOOD! i like that i am that way. i try to tell my husband that my personality is good.
nothing wrong with it. i wish i was more warm and fuzzy with my kids, you know soft spoke and whatnot. that does make me feel bad.

juliespahr said...

I loved this post! You are a straight shooter and I have ALWAYS admired you for that!! Your Mom is right... there's nothing wrong with that! I also fully agree with Dana and Lana... I would NEVER put you in the "mean and jerky straight shooter" category! You've made me feel warm and fuzzy plenty of times!!
Love ya,

Crandell Fam said...

I feel I have more of the warm and fuzziness in me than maybe others in the family, but I'm a straight shooter, too. This was a funny post...and the picture was hilarious! I also really loved the story of LIvy and Maya going through exactly what you and Wendy did in the other post. FUNNY! How crazy the things we remember, and what shapes us.