Friday, July 31, 2009

I'm No Writer...

Oh, I believe I failed to mention that my father, Bishop Shumway, has given me another calling in the ward.

I was certain that with all the hype and build-up the last calling had, only to find out it was "Ward Canning Specialist", that this calling couldn't possibly be worse.

I underestimated my father.

Really, I racked my brain to think what calling he could possibly give me to top that last one.

I was really trying and I felt I was prepared for ANYTHING he was going to throw at me.

So as he sat across the table from me smiling.

 I smiled back.

"So what is it this time dad?"

"Well," he started, "I hear you are quite the writer."

"No.  No I'm not."  I was immediately nervous and wanted him to stop thinking that right away.

He continued on, "Well, I've heard you're quite good and we would like to call you to be the script writer for our ward's Roadshow."


My mind just exploded.

"Seriously Dad?  Are you being serious?"  

I swear every time I'm in there I start looking around for a hidden camera.  I'm sure my expressions are priceless.  Actually, a hidden camera is probably a good idea for anyone getting a calling...they are usually pretty unexpected.

Anyway, he assured me he was quite serious.

I informed him that he had topped my last experience in his office and wished him a good day.

He said, "So is that a yes?"

I smiled as pleasantly as I could and said, "Yes."

Then I walked out.


Hot Diggity Daws said...

Man you need to start praying your dad gets released, for the good of your relationship!! :-) I'm sure you will do great, I just don't envy that stress.

Dana said...

Well......maybe your roadshow script could just be about trips to the Bishop's office. Cause your writing of those experiences is pretty d*** good. *wink*

Greg and Tammy said...

WOW. Your dad is ruthless.

Although, I dod think you'll do great.

Maybe you should take up drinking and smoking so you and the Bishop have other things to talk about... :)

Mei Day said...

I think your writing is pretty osom, so maybe you should do it.

Allyson & Jere said...

I'm SURE you will be spectacular at it. AND, you have Shane to help you out, and he's pretty gifted too. Can't wait to see what you come up with. Oh, and I agree with Tammy, perhaps you should take up some big sinz so you and Dad could have something else to discuss. hehe