Thursday, July 16, 2009

Be Impressed. Be Very Impressed.

It is a well known fact that I am among the least crafty people on the planet.

Those "no fail" craft projects they do at Enrichment night...I fail.

So don't ask me why today I decided I could make some bows, but that's what I wanted to do.

I got a bunch of stuff and figured I'd just fake my way through.

Unfortunately I made the mistake of telling the kids they could help too.

After about 5 minutes there was a lot of screaming going on...mostly at the dang bows...and everyone was pretty unhappy (including me who was accused by Livy of being bossy).  Rude.

Owen and Morgan bowed out (or were put in time outs, can't quite recall) and Livy, despite much complaining, decided to keep on trying.

What a trooper.

So here are our results.

The orange fluffy bows are what I came up with.

I have no idea how I did it and they will probably disintegrate if you touch them, but I think they turned out cute.

These white bows are Livy's lovely creation.

She worked long and hard on them.

Simple, yet elegant.  :)

Now off to Greer for a week of heaven on earth.



Lana said...

Had I but known, I would have given you this website for helpful tips and instructions:

But yours turned out really cute anyway! And the one Livy wore tonight was excellent. :)

Anonymous said...

I am totally impressed, girl! Good for you! I am so not good at making bows...fake flowers clips seem to be much easier. So I buy the stuff and tell the girls to go at it!

Summertime Designs said...

You have inspired me! My sister is coming to visit next week with her kids and I think she and I are now going to make hair bows. I had never considered doing it before, but after looking at yours (so cute by the way) and the link that Lana gave, I think we'll try out a new hobby! And I love that Livy made some too.

Kelly said...

I have to say that I join you in what seems, at times especially in the Mormon community, to be a small group of un-crafters. Although, maybe you are a little more crafty than you've given yourself credit for because those are some cute little bows! Nice work!

Liz said...

I am impressed.

Hot Diggity Daws said...

Beautiful. I went out and took a bow making class at the ribbons and lace store. I made 3 cute bows. Little did I know back then, there was to be no pink in my near future! Glad you are finding your skills. Delightful.

lrbodine said...

I had to laugh at this post because I'm probably the most uncrafty person on the planet. I always tell Rob that I wasn't given the craft gene!