Thursday, July 9, 2009

Deja Vous

When I was 4 or 5 years old, having my cousin Wendy over to play was a huge treat.

Here is a picture of us as Christmas Angels in a re-enactment of the Nativity.

I'm the hot blonde on the right and she's the sassy brunette in the middle. (that's her cute little sister Sarah next to her and my sister Jenny in the background).

I do remember feeling quite fancy in this little get up.  

But let me get to my point.

One day when Wendy came over to play I decided to test her loyalty to me.

Porter was trying to play with us too and I'd had enough.  I wanted Wendy to myself so I turned to her and said, "Either you can play with me or with Porter."

I was certain she would choose me.

Why wouldn't she choose me?

Imagine my astonishment when she actually chose Porter!

In a huff I ran into the house and locked them out.

Hmpf!  That'll show 'em.

Well, Porter in all his brute six-year-old-strength began knocking on the glass window of the door and actually busted through it with his fist.

Blood everywhere.

Major time out for me...I spend the rest of the afternoon in my room.

I still can't believe she chose Porter.

.....Fast Forward 25 years later.....

Livy has Maya over to play.

Owen tries to infiltrate the play date.

And then it happens, total deja vous, except this time Livy decides to test her brother's loyalty instead of her cousins.

"Okay Owen," she starts, "Who do you choose?  Me or Maya?"

I could hear the confidence in her voice.

She was certain he would choose her.

Why wouldn't he choose her?

I was nervous as I listened from the kitchen because I'd been through this before...I had a feeling it might not go quite as she had planned.

Owen took his time to answer, but he finally burst out, "I choose Maya."

Immediately Livy felt the betrayal and shouted, "Owen, why would you choose Maya?!"

She was hurt and I understood her pain.

Luckily there were no windows to punch through or anything like ended fairly peacefully, but I couldn't help but think about all the hard lessons we have to learn as kids.

Betrayal, hurt, rejection, humiliation, sadness, etc.

They are hard lessons.

I'm still learning how to deal with them.

And it made me wonder,

...will they ever get easier?


Julz said...

I think Porter should have gotten a time out too, blood always saves you from trouble. I locked Kaden out back one time when he was four because he was throwing a giant fit, he threw a rock right through the sliding glass door, he wasnt bleeding so he did spend the day in his room, tough lessons for sure.

Allyson & Jere said...

I don't think those lessons ever get easier. But, your way of telling the story sure was cute! And, it's good to get knocked down a peg a time or two. We can't ALWAYS be number one.

Porter Shumway said...

Although a darling story, I do believe you have mixed two stories into one. I'm sure that Wendy chose me to play with because...well, the reasons are obvious. And, you might have locked us out of the house. But it wasn't during that "lock out" that I busted the glass. It was thanks to my older sisters (you might have been part of the deal as well) who thought it was such fun to lock out there younger, less patient brother. On one such occasion, I had had enough, and I knocked every so gently too hard.

That said, what are the chances those girls can come here and then there and then to Jody's so we can all take turns without the girls (not that we don't love them hehehe)? Just a thought.

Wendy said...

Wow, who would've thought I could create such disappointment. Then to see it repeated in the next generation. I thought I noticed a little twinkle in Owen's eye that looked familiar! Now I know it was the spark of betrayal! :)

The real reason that Maya got picked, or I picked Porter is probably because they are the new and exciting friend.

The friend you love the most and have had the longest, you absolutely want, but that shiny new friend possibility is alluring.

✩Molly✩ said...

Such a cute story! I also loved seeing my sisters in their young age. And wow, Jenny's little Brooklyn looks JUST like she did as a kid! :)