Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What Spunk Looks Like

There aren't too many kids in this world born with as much spunk, sass, and confidence as this little one right here. "Little Miss", as I like to call her, really keeps this house hoppin'!

She's fun, quirky and quite smart. She loves animals soooooo much. We can't pass a dog without her needing to pet it and talk to the owner all about it. She's never scared or shy to do this. Ever. She will be sure to mention that we have a Cheagle--"part Beagle, part Chick-a-wa-wa".

In her preschool this past year they had a Reptile Show in their class where this man brought all sorts of lizards, snakes, etc. Morgan was front and center to pet them all. One of the kids asked the man, "Is a mouse a reptile?" But before the man could answer Morgan turned and said, "No, a mouse is a rodent." A rodent? Really?!? She's so cool.

After going to Sea World she would tell me how much she loves Orca's...not Shamu, Orca's. And Otter's. She was a baby Otter for a few weeks...in the tub, getting dressed, eating breakfast. (Phew, glad that's over.)

If you asked her a few weeks ago what she wanted to be when she grew up she would tell you "A duck." She saw no problem with this. She has since revised this to a ballerina. (But if Ballerina doesn't pan out I think duck is still a close second). For Halloween she was a duck and since we did a triathlon that day she was our "cheerleader duck". So now if she asks to wear her "cheerleader costume" she is referring to her duck costume. (took me awhile to figure that one out).

She pays very close attention to details that you wouldn't expect. The other day she held up a peach and said, "Mom, a peach has fur all over it. That means it's a mammal." I didn't say she pays attention to ALL details. I had to explain that peaches don't give live birth, so no, they will remain in the fruit category.

I long for the sheer life and confidence that exudes out of this girl. She did this whole photo shoot at Olivia and Owen's swim meet in front of bleachers filled with people. Not a thought given to the fact that she was wearing her leotard with her underpants hanging out, or that her hair was, well, special. She was just enjoying herself and didn't care about anything else. Some of that is because she is 3 years old, but some of that is because she is Morgan.

Thumbs up to you Morgan. Nothing makes me smile, quite like you. :)

(side note: story coming up on that lady in the blue chair behind Morgan).


Lana said...

Those are such perfect pictures. I hope Morgan never gets self-conscious. She's too hilarious...

Allyson & Jere said...

This is such a cute, cute post. She really is the funniest little girl.

Hot Diggity Daws said...

Love it. What a spunky sassy little girl!

Crandell Fam said...

I need to post more ABOUT my kids. I just don't remember things that I should, and I know I'll regret it later. This is a sweet post.