Wednesday, July 14, 2010


That's the number of times I've gone into the kids bathroom and had to flush this:

...because there was poop in it.


It is only 4:30 pm and I only have 3 children.

1. Why the heck can't they flush...ever?

2. Who the heck is pooping so much? (my guess: Morgan)

3. Sick.


Anonymous said...

Oh gosh. I had to scroll down to see it was a toilet. I was so worried that you were going to show what was actually LEFT in the toilet. WHEW!!!! --Shane

Dana said...

Like mother, like daughter.....uh the pooping part, not the lack of flushing part!! :-)

Lana said...

ha ha! Did you mention you were gone for about 3 hours during the afternoon. That certainly shortens the amount of available poop time! Impressive. :) Tatum laughed when she read this over my shoulder. She explained why. She goes, "I know why they can't flush. Morgan is always scared of the toilet will overflow or something." There's the reason. What to do about it, I have no idea. Good luck.

Allyson & Jere said...

Well, they ARE your children...DUH! The apple doesn't fall far from the tree here. Ms. Poops alot.

Krystal Trapnell said...

Jeff and I just had this conversation a couple days ago. He asked why he was flushing someone else's twosie down, and I informed him that I had flushed three already. In three different toilets. And not a square of TP was to be seen. Grosser.

The Dixon Family said...

I totally laughed when I read this because we go through this everyday. I know kids needs repetition before it becomes a habit, but COME ON!

DianD said...

I guess the good news is that at least it made it to the toilet and could be flushed away! But, yeah! Cure that child of her phobia of the flush and you'll probably always have clean toilets!. Funny. :)

The Maxsons said...

HHHAAAA! Funny Dixie. I love it.