Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Eh? What's That You Say?


The other night as Shane and I sat in 116 degree heat with Morgan jumping all over us waiting for Liv's and Owen's swim meet to start we were just looking around and having an innocent conversation.

You know, stuff like, "Look at that little baby, how cute." and "Hey, I think I know that person from somewhere." etc.

So then Shane looks across the pool to the other side as some of the older guy swimmers were getting in to warm up. One of the guys was wearing a suit that looked pretty much exactly like
this (minus the cool black racing stripes):
And he says to me: "What is up with some of the suits these guys are wearing? They are so weird. Like look at that guy over there with that red suit on. It looks like he's wearing grandma panties."

Just then the lady in the blue chair (who was sitting directly in front of us at the time...like maybe 1 foot in front of us) turned around and said:

"It's a drag suit. That's my son."

And then Shane's face looked about like this:
Seriously? What are the odds?

There were several HUNDRED people at that swim meet. There was only one sitting close enough to us to hear him say that.

Just one.

She moved away from us a little while later.

Oops! :)


Lana said...

I just love that story so much. It's so FREAKING hilarious. Hahahaha. It's too perfect. Go Shane.

DianD said...

Ah, yes! I remember David Bond (when he was about 9 or so) and I was bringing a bunch of kids home from some after school something or other and he started talking in horse Latin thinking I wouldn't know what he was saying. It was nothing bad he was saying, but when I responded in horse Latin back, he about fell over. Moral of the story! You can't even say something in a made-up language....SOMEONE will always hear that you don't want to hear. So funny, though! So funny!

Hot Diggity Daws said...

Of course the offender's mom would be sitting within ear shot. Man I hate when that happens to me...but since Shane was the lucky winner this time...I love when it happens to someone else!

azandersens said...

HAHAHAHAHA! Thanks for the laugh. I wonder if she went shopping later. :)

Greg and Tammy said...

Welcome to my life Shane. I say things like that in front of the WRONG people all the time. You get used to it. :) And BTW, I thought the Grandma's panties line was pretty darn good and couldn't agree more.

Krystal Trapnell said...

A DRAG suit. Perfectly named. If you're a drag granny. :)

Crandell Fam said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH!!!!! That's priceless. Simply priceless. Love it. :)