Monday, May 18, 2009

Moral Dilemma


If somebody in your household got a speeding ticket and then waited 2 1/2 weeks to tell you about said speeding ticket would you be:

A.  Grateful that they didn't burden you with it until you were "in a good place"?

B.  Angry that they didn't tell you right away?

C.  Suspicious that they are hiding stuff from you?

D.  Who cares?  Speeding tickets happen.  You don't really need to say anything.

Cast your vote. 

I'm very curious.


Wendy said...

Shane is a sweetheart. My guess? He probably tried to time it just right, to soften the blow. It is heartbreaking enough for him that he will be sitting through 8 hours of driver torture, or paying a fine.

Dana said...

Hmmmm, I'm going to go with an "amen" to Wendy's comment on this one. Considering your past personal circumstances, I think I truly do "get it" and the potential concerns implied. But, all things considered I'm still gonna stick with Wendy here. No vote from me.

TheOrttFamily said...

My guess is he forgot...and a little of D...happened to me..hehe
Not one of those things to read into, I have been there with you in my own (Personal situations)

Jenalee said...

I think it's best to pick your battles wisely. Tickets happen. I say let this one go, there are so many bigger things to spend your time and thoughts on. :)

CJ Rush said...

I go with's one of those things that happen and you just want to kick yourself when it does...just be glad it's 'only' a ticket. Could be a lot worse.

Melanie said...

Yikes, whatever the verdict, it sounds like it could be a little tense at your house. If it makes you feel better, tickets happen to the best of us (ahem).

MamaD said...

I think that I would be angry initially (mostly for financial/insurance reasons) and then I would just let it go. You can't control what happens in life but you can control how you react to it, Ultimately, getting angry isn't going to accomplish anything except making you feel angry...

Jason and Kate said...

I would let it go (and just laugh about it later) because probably the next month or in a few months I'll be the one getting the so said speeding ticket. Jason got two in less than 24 hours. He got out of one but he kept telling me...if anyone shows up at the door don't answer it. Yeah, I told him that it was his problem NOT mine and he should be the one worrying about it.

shane said...

I truly wanted to find a moment when things didn't feel like the whole world was falling on top of our heads. Car accident, house trouble, legal trouble, sicknesses, and Dixie had just cried the night before. I just couldn't bring myself to tell her, "Guess what else, honey, I got pulled over for going 12 on a major road! Thought the speed limit was 40, not 35! Oops! More fun for you to deal with right now!" I hate seeing Dixie take a blow, and as tough as she is, she often absorbs rather than deflects (does that make any sense?) Heaven knows I love my wife, and it is tough to watch my tough girl cry.

Nash said...

paul got a really dumb ticket at rick's college around the campus. i didn't know a thing about it until the ticket came in the mail. (this was our first couple months of marriage). i was ticked, but it doesn't take much for me.
i think he explained himself well there.

Kelly said...

I have to admit I'd pick C. So, who got the ticket you are Shane??

Kelly said...

Oh, just read Shane's comment. I'm sorry you guys are having some trouble right now, but I'm super glad Shane is such a sweety. He really loves you!!