Thursday, February 5, 2009

Motivation-- Where Have You Gone?

I'm a pretty motivated person.

I get up at 5:10 every morning and workout.

I come home, shower, get ready, get the kids ready and our day has begun.

Everyone is dressed and fed by 7:30 or 8 am.

Most days.

For some reason today was not one of those days.

I got up at 5:10 just like normal, but when I came home from my swim workout my allergies wouldn't let up (I think I'm allergic to cholorine) so my getting ready "process" was halted.

We still got Livy off to the bus just in time, but Owen and Morgan look like this:

That clock behind Owen says 11:45.

He is still in his jammies.

PBS Kids has had our business since 8am.

The idea of getting them dressed and ready, picking up the house or running the errands I need to run is a little overwhelming right now.

The only thing I'm feeling motivated to do is punch Barney in his big, purple dinosaur face.


Jules said...

Amen to that. If it makes you feel any better, Taylor didn't get out of her pajamas yesterday until it was time to get ready for bed and she wanted to wear different pajamas. (Ironic I know)

Allyson & Jere said...

Ok, that ending was unexpected and altogether hilarious. Aren't you glad I can help you see a blog entry in even our unmotivation. I at least had my children dressed, hair done, etc. You'll be glad to know I've since picked up, cleaned up, changed laundry, paid bills and thought about cutting the jicama. And lastly, churros are DEEEEElicious!

Lana said...

Dear Dixie,

Ha! I was wayyy productive today. Boo yah! Usually you're all up and dressed and cutesy long before me so take that! Secondly, a good couple of minutes of Barney punching actually does the trick for motivating someone, FYI. Third, I'll bring you a churro so you can get moving. Hehehe

Hot Diggity Daws said...

That is how I felt on Monday when my Allergies went bonkers. The pain intensitifed till all I could do was lay down in excruciating pain. Finally I went to the doctor and found I had a sinus infection, a viral infection, and bronchitis. Awesome. The man even had to stay home from work 2 days to manage the boys, who, luck would have it both feel like crap with ear infections and coughs. Hope your agony is only fleeting.

Crandell Fam said...

OK I seriously laughed out loud at that ending. Hysterical.