Monday, February 16, 2009

Challenge #7

Okay, you've known this challenge had to be coming....

Challenge #7 is no sugar for the week.

This doesn't mean anything that has sugar in it, just anything that would fall in the "sweets" category on the food guide pyramid. ie. cookies, cake, candy, ice cream, etc.

You know what I'm talking about.

Often when we are told we can't have something we sort of freak out and then we think we want it even more.

Many times food, particualarly food that is bad for us, has gotten a little out of whack in our minds.

If we can't have it we have a little panic attack.

We may even have this rush of fear go through us when we realize we "can't" have it.

Part of the exercise this week is to take control of that "fear". To make sure you aren't emotionally ruled by food.

When somebody offers you a cookie and you realize you "can't" have it, think about the way you feel.

Are you panicked?

Are you sad?

Are you frustrated?

Are you angry?

Whatever the feeling is, accept it for what it is and then put it in the appropriate place.

Realize you are making the choice because you want something else more than that cookie.

Suddenly you are empowered by your choice rather than victimized.

Remember, it is important to recognize the way you are feeling and allow the feeling, but then analyze it and give it an appropriate place.

Unless we are on the brink of starvation, which I'm pretty sure none of us are, we shouldn't really be feeling fear or panic if we can't have a cookie.

Take control emotionally and the physical control will follow.

No sugar.

One week.

Own your body.


The Hytes said...

I knew it was coming. DAMN! I have to say, I have done a "Sugar Fast" 3 times in my life, each for 1 month. My mission Pres. encouraged us to try it, just to see if we could master ourselves. I loved it! It sucks for the first couple of days, when you are so addicted to it, but it becomes so easy, especially when you know you are gaining control.

Dana said...

Yesssss! I will OWN this one. And that is because I want something MORE than I want sugar!!

Dana said...

OH man....and it's Wendy's birthday TODAY. Way to make it tough on her Dix. :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, thanks alot Dix!!! Now I have to own my cake craving?!!! Now I know why God made me with no interest in cake, pie, or chocolate, For THIS Challenge!!! :) I will miss my candy hearts this week though, I had come to tell myself 10 little hearts for 40 calories that is a good deal! :) And good for my heart right?

Crandell Fam said...

UGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!! Isn't it weird how different we all are? Wendy just about died on the no soda challenge, and I'm pretty sure I might on this one....but I will do it! I will prevail! And maybe, eventually, my body will decide it likes me more than the weight it's carting around, and it will actually SHED A FEW!!!!!!!!! GRRRR! Here's to hoping.

Allyson & Jere said...

Ummmm DUH! Of course I'm ruled emotionally by food. That has always been obvious. And I too knew this day would come, and frankly I'm always glad they come in the form of a challenge. Good thing I ate those Krispy Kremes last night huh? And they so weren't even worth it. So, here's to a sugar free week. AND to feeling better.

Anonymous said...

Great challenge. Since I wasn't here when you did the soda challenge, I can still have a diet coke a day, and I'll give up sugar for the week.

Jules said...

At least you waited until after V day.

SethD said...

I went to a church youth activity (I'm the Young Men's President) where they were decorating gingerbread houses with all of sweeties and goodies associated with it. I didn't eat a piece and it was powerful thing to know that I didn't have to or even want to--empowering! Good challenge.