Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I've been trying to run 2 miles under 14 minutes for a little while now.  

A few weeks ago I was nearly there.  

I had run 2 miles in 14:07 and I knew the next time I ran I would, and could, do it.

Then I got the flu.

A really bad, stay in bed, ache in every part of your body, miserable, flu.

For about a week and a half I was out of commission.


I hate setbacks.

But setbacks are a part of training....they are a part of life.

I've realized that how we deal with setbacks is what sets us apart.

We all have them....so what do we do with them?

So I've been pushing to get back to my goal and this morning I had decided today was the day.

I did a 39 minute bike before my run, so I was already feeling a little tired, but I wasn't going to let that be an excuse.

"Today's the day."  I told myself.

I set the treadmill to 8.5, knowing I would have to push the last minute a little harder to reach  my goal.

At about 11 minutes I thought I was going to puke.

But I kept pushing.

"What's 3 minutes?" I kept telling myself.  "That's nothing."

I hit 13 minutes and knew I needed to go up to about 9.0mph to make it, but I couldn't quite bring myself to do it.  So I went up to 8.8.

I was watching my distance slowly creep up but not fast enough.

I bumped the speed up even more...all the while resisting the urge to puke.

"30 seconds, I can do this.  That's the length of a commercial.  I can do this!"

I bumped the speed up to 10mph for the last 8 seconds.

As soon as I saw 14 minutes hit the clock I slammed on the stop button.

I thought I had done it.

Then my eyes moved to the left and I saw it.....  1.98 miles.


Disappointment set in. (still fighting the urge to puke).

It's rough to not meet a goal.

But when I came home today I told Shane even though I was disappointed I knew I had made big  improvements.

And next time, I WILL do it.


MamaD said...

Wow - I hate running on the treadmill. But I actually used to run the 2 mile in high school (and was good enough to place occasionally - I have no idea what my PR was - 13:45 maybe?). You might find it easier to do outside on a school track with a stop watch. Something about actually moving along instead of staying in place makes it easier. I would totally run with you for some competition if I wasn't 8 months pregnant, out of shape, and a state away...

Rachel said...

Thanks for the link! Hopefully I'll find a little motivation to work out reading your blog!

Melanie said...

You are crazy.

Julz said...

I'm trying to feel sorry for you but I dont because my goals are more like...take a shower, eat a meal sitting down...you know things like that. (but really, I have been running on an incline and then when I go for a certain time I run flat, it seems like it helps)

Jason and Kate said...

You'll get there soon enough. I can't believe how fast you run. I WOULD puke and not be on the verge. Hey, I was wondering, I am thinking about doing SheRox and would love it if I could get a copy of the training schedule you gave your sisters. I'll be at book club next week or you can email me at katewinsor21@gmail.com. Thanks.

Lana said...

oooooh, close but no cigar, eh? :) Pretty impressive considering you'd just done 40 minutes on the bike! I'd say you pretty much did it and even better if you take away all the energy you'd used up on the bike. I mean, it's as if you did it in 10 minutes. :)

Nash said...

sorry about that.
i left the gym early today after just a few sets of legs. i had a sudden migraine, attacking my eye. i almost couldn't see to drive home. and then there are cookies here. talk about SETBACK. cept they are all i have eaten, well and a piece of chicken.

Allyson & Jere said...

For the record, I failed to see how you and your craziness of running nearly 2 miles in 14 minutes had anything to do with MY story. Geez Dixie, it was about ME. hehehe I feel so happy that I impressed you, hooray. Now, if I could PLEASE feel better, I'd much appreciate it.