Monday, March 5, 2012


I have a problem.

It's food.

The problem is, I don't like it.

It mostly just irritates me.

I recognize this is a problem since one must actually eat food to sustain one's life, which irritates me even more.

The three main issues I run into are these:

  1. Nothing ever sounds good...well, sometimes things do, but rarely.  Unless somebody else makes it, then it sounds great!
  2. My kids hate everything so just about every time I make a meal they don't eat it and tell me they don't like it.  Always fun.
  3. It takes so much work to put together a meal that will be eaten (or not eaten) in 3 seconds so I figure, why not make a bean burrito that takes a minute to cook and a minute to eat.  The ratio makes more sense to me. :)

These thoughts make planning meals for my family very difficult.

The other thing is supposedly everything on this planet is "unhealthy" so it's all garbage anyway.  That thought also deters me from meal making.

I've spent half the morning looking for meals to plan for the week and even though I have access to the best food blog in the world ( my stomach and brain just won't get on board to make the plans.

I'm at a loss.

We will accept any pre-cooked meals if you'd like to contribute to our cause.

Please deliver between 5-5:30pm.

Thank you. :)


AliceK[i]ND said...

Are you serious??? I wish I had your problem. My problem is I LOVE food... all kinds. I have some tasty, kid-friendly, healthy recipes... if you are interested let me know and I will pass them along.

Julz said...

That's how I feel when I am pregnant. What to make an announcement? ;)

MamaD said...

What recipe books do you have? I find recipe books to be much easier to use than finding recipes on-line. And I've definitely made my share of horrible meals but I consider it a learning experience and just mark that recipe off as awful in my book. Have you heard of Our Best Bites? It's a blog and they also have a recipe book and I hear it is really good. If I were coming out to visit in May, I would totally bring my recipes and cook for your family. But now I have a good idea of what to get you for a present for birthday/holiday - new cookbooks!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you would be a great case for The Food Nanny! Google her, her shows are great and you are all so cute I bet she would put you on TV and solve all your food worrys!

Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

I love your acerbic take on things.
It doesn't hurt that I agree with you.
However, I am a big fake and around 5 PM here in NY you will find me pinned to my food boards, because they are a major draw to my Pinterst followers.
That is correct, I am kind of a phoney. In fact, I would not trust me as far as I could throw me!

Nice to meet you!
